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  1. James105

    Yesterday's drive with some chums

    Fantastic! Were they taken with a polarising filter? What camera setup were you using?
  2. James105

    took a couple of ramdon pics around the house

    Like the second one for some reason! Nice pics!
  3. James105

    Flash Help

    the 430EX II looks pretty good, you think the extra £80 or so quid over the nissin Di622 is worth it then?
  4. James105

    Flash Help

    Hi guys, I need a new flash for my 450D, i was originally looking at the Canon 580EX II but at near enough £300 its a little bit pricey, i have come across the Nissin Di622 flash here: which is reduced to £87...
  5. James105

    Abandoned Greyhound track

    Awsome pictures!! Where abouts? Im in coventry, and wouldn't mind popping up to leics for some photography spots.
  6. James105

    Few new mods on the 182 *pics*

  7. James105

    my lil 1.2 :(, ideas needed!

    Looks good bro, although i see cloths on my mini in the garage again! Tut tut! :P
  8. James105

    Tint's law and prices

    i believe front side windows have to let in 75% of light, windscreen can't be touched, and rear side windows and back window can be what ever you want.
  9. James105

    My small detailing collection

    Nice collection Dawn, some greats products there i see. I need to get a picture of mine up. You will have to swing round sometime
  10. James105

    Took my clio on an alps road trip

    Loved the snow ball, and classic yellow snow i think i spotted!
  11. James105


    £30 fine the first time, then they can take the plate can't they? I would at least keep the legal size, and font if you are going to space it
  12. James105

    Renewell quote :o !!!!!!!

    Yeah, but the insurance quote i did was with the policy in his name, and mum as the named driver
  13. James105

    Hazard button

    Common fault, both my clio's have done it. New button time
  14. James105

    Renewell quote :o !!!!!!!

    Haha, Andy is my brother and just did a quote for him. How crazy is this: Admiral want £2115 but if i add mum to his policy as a named driver it becomes £1444.75 with a £400 excess. Bit crazy?
  15. James105

    Renewell quote :o !!!!!!!

    You just told me £2035!haha Try admiral as they gave me a better quote, but you already know that!haha
  16. James105

    Detailing Prices?

    I voice the same concerns as above about wheels off with no insurance. Also im pretty sure that name you have is taken by a detailing company, who is a member on detailing world.
  17. James105

    Bonnet release

    Has anyone tried pulling up on the bonnet at the same time as you pull the lever? Bonnet might just be a little bit stiff maybe?
  18. James105

    My Clio!

    Tidying, You think thats being a clean freek... wait till you see some of the rest of cliosport!haha
  19. James105

    New Camera, New Year, New Pics

    Great pics, same camera as me. Were they taken with the kit 18-55mm lense?
  20. James105

    Detailing in the Midlands anyone ?

    I'm coming back up to coventry tomorrow for uni again from the hols, but i wont be bringing the PC with me i don't think. Not enough room otherwise i would offer it. Might be coming back home in a week or 2, will see if i can bring it back up then/.
  21. James105

    A few from today's walk

    awsome pictures! What camera setup you using? Any photoshopping done to them? Great pics!!
  22. James105

    STOP light and handbrake light has come on....

    Iv got a mk2 ph2, but when i'v changed my pads AND discs, the parts came to £56, and that was after going for the better/ more expensive option in allparts.
  23. James105

    STOP light and handbrake light has come on....

    Thats definitly losing/ using more fluid then it should then, even low pads wouldn't cause a top up of a whole bottle. And signs of fluid on the ground in a regular place you park?
  24. James105

    artic blue coventry *** LDC

    Thats Curley on here
  25. James105

    STOP light and handbrake light has come on....

    As said above, normally indicates low brake fluid. This could be from it leaking or low pads. Any sign of much fluid around the fluid reservoir?
  26. James105

    My three day detail

    What kit you using mate, im a porter cable user. Meet sounds good, if your free sometime let me know n pop round, or i will pop down to you.
  27. James105

    Camera bag for 450d, Reccomendations please.....

    I've got a Lowepro Fastpack 250 bag for my 450D and find it fantastic. Its a backpack style which is good for what i need. Also has the joy of being able toput a laptop in the back as well
  28. James105

    My three day detail

    Yeah, tuesday i must have looked a weirdo, huge gazebo over the drive coz of the drizzle, and working under spot lights when it got dark before it was picked up. Im just up on Primrose Hill around the corner from you.
  29. James105

    My three day detail

    I would have, but not a clue which is your flat!haha. Think i was shooting back from halfrauds as had a subaru P1 parked at home booked in for a days detail as well.
  30. James105

    My three day detail

    Can't see the pictures coz of the bandwidth max'd out by the looks of it on the photo's, but i drove up your road the other day and could just about see your car parked up. Looked SWEET mate!