But just a small collection can make such a big difference.
For instance, I washed my car and my mums. Mines now in the garage ready for all the extra stuff tomorrow.
But my mums car had really bad swirls and light scratches over it. I said to her do you want me to quickly polish it, with the intention that I would 'quickly' go over the car with some SRP.
She said not to bother (as she doesnt relly want anything more than a wash)
Just to show her, I quickly polished one panel with SRP, and showed her the difference.
She said 'Bloody hell that looks good!'
Most of the light scratches were 'gone' and it looked so much better, especially as its a black car!
So if my mum, who has NO interest in cars, was amazed by the difference, you will be too!
I had a cull and chucked some away over Xmas, need to get some other bits sold.
What are ya selling?