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  1. C

    exhaust system question

    I have a full stainless steal exhaust system and i dont know much about them so wondered if some one could help basically when i rev it or drive off slowly the front end sounds shite. It defo not center box as that been replaced not so long ago. After the center box does the pipe just connect...
  2. C


    I'm well up for trax. will be my first time. Why isn't there many members attending? Will be ace if we had a big stand like FCS
  3. C

    TRAX 2008 Attendance Thread

    Re: Cliosport - TRAX 2008 *Interest only please - No spam* 1. Cliosport Staff 2. Haz511 - track time 3. mikey_16v - track time 4. justin-172 5. not normal developmetns 6. middo 7. Sarah - still a bit subject to money 8. Lee 9. Pettsi 10. Ash87 11. Peperami 12. Smithy1989 - track time 13...
  4. C

    Just got a call about my 172 MOT

    I used to go to this garage and theyd never ring to tell you anything. They dont even ring to say they have finished so i had to keep chasing and when i get there i have to pay the ful wack.
  5. C

    Annoyed with badge

    mine left marks. not happy
  6. C

    New RenaultSport badges

    it is self adhesive and i got mine for £29. rip off but i till bought one lol
  7. C

    Annoyed with badge

    removed the renault sport badge so i could put the new one on and its f**king taken bits of paint off! Can still see bits of the glue but guess that will fade after a few washes. Just pissed off as it has left scratch like marks. Did any one find it happened to them or just me ?
  8. C

    No Claims Protection

    With 4 years ncb its 180 odd quid difference to protect or not and with 5 years ncb its only 60 quid! Bit unfair Think i may not protect it this year but will when have 5 *touch wood*
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    No Claims Protection

    I am about to have 4 yrs no claims. Is it worth protecting them?? Bare in mind it costs around 200 quid more a year? Do you protect?
  10. C

    my new r27...

    that is nice. Only thing that needs doing imo is lowering
  11. C

    Bonnet Bra's

    that vw looks awfull!!! Why would you. i dont understand people. A car has been designed to look like it is, not to cover it. Its like people buyin lovely sofas and cover them with tacky sheets/covers. WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. C

    General Creeking sounds?

    French build im afraid
  13. C

    When the garage calls.....

    I know what you mean.
  14. C

    Cliosport vs CorsaC-UK...The Euro Edition.

    They are mint. That corsa c is just how i'd have mine if i had one
  15. C

    Warranty FTW

    a speaker
  16. C

    Where does ur Clio look best?

    forecourt for me. Or a sunset like some one said looks mint on silver. At night aswell. However there are times i look back and it looks shite! Usually because its too high and i hate my wheels 80% of the time.
  17. C

    My euro clio

    Clio looks really good. Not keen on front bumper. Would have put a sport. the colour and wheels are amazing together
  18. C

    New Induction Kit for 182 Cup

    Arr so your the one my GF keeps telling me about, she keeps saying theres another one around but i was not having any of it!... i stand corrected! and iv seen one other 182, it lives on newthorp common, FF silver one. also my bros GF has the MK1 172 in sliver. Christophe - what would you...
  19. C

    creaking noise

    Had the exact same problem mate. Had my cv clip replaced which fixed it for a bit but then came back and eventually have the driveshaft replace which fixed it forever.
  20. C

    New Induction Kit for 182 Cup

    none give power gains except itg maxogen which is still not massive amounts
  21. C

    **New Car Content** :D

  22. C

    **New Car Content** :D

    I want those turinis!!!
  23. C

    New silverisions :)

    i have silvervisions but still have a avery slight hint of orange. lot less than before but not as good as them above
  24. C

    Clio 172 replica

    this must be costing a bomb buyin all these genuine renault parts. I'm struggling to buy coilovers let alone anything else lol
  25. C

    Service Light and Airbag Light

    i think 3600 is good price
  26. C

    just some possible ideas - pshop!

    I used to hate bras with a passion before but they warming to me. i thought they looked good on some cars at fcs. However i will still never get one for mine lol. think they look good when around other modded cars but in a normal street not sure. Plus i always feel it will get targeted by...
  27. C

    Is this normal for insurance

    lol cant believe you found that thread. what the chances haha. good find though.
  28. C

    Is this normal for insurance

    I live in harrogate which has very low crime rate. one of the lowest.
  29. C

    How do you wash/clean your microfibres

    washing machine with no fabric conditioner at around 40 degrees.