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Search results

  1. C

    Pic request, Lowered 182s

    how long were they on for it to be that low?
  2. C

    Washed, waxed, lowered and sprayed!

    looks good. you got a before pic as i'm thinking of getting apex springs and just want to see the difference from standard.
  3. C

    Opinions & helpful people needed!!!

    they will always look good imo. Just try and wash your car once a week. thats what i do. (This is probably very sad lol)
  4. C

    wrote off a 197 in 30 mins of ownership

    gutted lol. what a waste of a what sounds like a nice 197
  5. C

    Opinions & helpful people needed!!!

    do you mean this one - if so then id definetly do it. I love the look of this
  6. C

    Car Number Four

    agree totally. i hate admitting it but i really like them
  7. C

    My Milltek Hybrid...

    I find it really hard to heel and toe. i find the pedals are to far apart and the accelerator to low. I dont brake enough when i do it lol which isnt to good.
  8. C

    Never again..

    I've never owned a black car and dont think i will as i cant stand marks.
  9. C

    My Milltek Hybrid...

    love of the sound when you heel and toe!
  10. C

    My Milltek Hybrid...

    that sounds perfect! Very jealous
  11. C

    Photo Shoot - 56K pfffffft !

    all look stunning
  12. C

    Citrus snow foam..

    i use the snowfoam from autobrite and only fill i up byu 2cm witht he rest being warm water. Works a treat.
  13. C

    Elephant Trying To Screw Me?

    ye quite shocking. You can see how they may think your lying but no excuse to just take money out of the account . They should have rang you about it and if they really wanted come check your car.
  14. C

    *Speaker upgrade*

    I had some infinity components when i had my corsa and were powered by a amp and have to say they were really good. I'm going to be upgrading aswell but need to get new back ones as mine have blown and has that horrible blowing noise! I'm thinking 130 quid fro comps and 60 for coaxials. i...
  15. C

    My RB 182 Cup!

    looks lovely. I quite like the yellow. Maybe white would look better. The spax suspension you have on, is that just springs??
  16. C

    Convince me that you can make Silver Ph1 172's Look Better than Black ones......

    ph1 172's look best in silver imo. Christophers old one is absolutely perfect! I love it when i see a silver one in my rear view mirror. Makes me want one
  17. C

    Whats a Sealent?

    would you not put the glaze before egp?
  18. C

    Whats a Sealent?

    so you would use megs 7 over AGP
  19. C

    Recommend a Shampoo

    nice one think i may try duragloss then
  20. C

    Whats a Sealent?

    Would you say a glaze is better than say AGP
  21. C

    Whats a Sealent?

    And whats a glaze (sorry to sound thick) does this go after the wax
  22. C

    Recommend a Shampoo

    Rich.... Was going to buy this But would you say the duragloss is better??
  23. C

    pic request - turinis

    How do people feel about silver 1*2's
  24. C

    how do some people sleep at night?

    sorry to hear that. My brothers car got set alight few weeks back and that was on the street where we park at home!! He was third party and insurance paid out fine as its fire damage. all you have to pay is 100 pounds which they just take off the amount theyl give you. He bought the car for...
  25. C

    197 late evening pics

    thats really nice.
  26. C

    Snap Snap...

    looking good as ever
  27. C

    quick noob guide to lowering

    do a search and see pics of setups people have to give you an idea on what you may want. Just bare in mind if you go quite low you may need arch work. depends on what offset your alloys are.
  28. C

    quick noob guide to lowering

    Basically you can lower up to 40mm without buying new shocks. If you go lower its advisable to get upgraded shocks. Most on here will say go for eibach proline/sportline springs (around £130) but they dont lower much. Or you can go for 40mm apex which lower a good 40mm but gives a hard ride...
  29. C

    quick noob guide to lowering

    you wanting to lower on the standard 182 alloys?
  30. C

    NEW PICS- moved to right section

    I really like the wheels!!