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  1. C

    'Loosening up' vs 'over the hill'

    ye it'll be vtec kicking in making it feel quicker but overall they about the same with 172/182's. I've played with a few ctr's and its equal.
  2. C

    Quick Lime Prime question

    ye i used it the other week. was quite pleased witht he results.
  3. C

    The best wheel cleaning device ive ever used !

    i use a seperate wash mitt and a brush. Product wise i use AG Machine/Engine cleaner. works really well.
  4. C


    boy racer to me is a chav in a shite heavly modified saxo/corsa/clio etc wich are all 1.0litres to 1.6's . In my eyes a 172/182 is not in that category as they dont look tacky with bodykits. plus those chavs cant afford it nor the insurance!
  5. C

    197 pimped up on 19's

    not to bad. the wheels dont look that big considering they 19"
  6. C


    Apex springs lower a real 40mm. But they are a pretty hard ride from what iv heard.
  7. C


    i had cheap fk's on my last car and had them on for 2 years lowered 60mm all round. I hit potholes bumps a bit quick at times and sounded/felt awfull but they never broke. They were tough!!!
  8. C

    17's - How much can i lower it?

    you got pics of 18's on your car??
  9. C

    how much for these?

    how much do you think they could get for them?
  10. C

    how much for these?

    Got a friend who wants to sell these alloys. They 17" Oz Turismos and all have new tyres? few very slighht scuffs. Here is a pic of them
  11. C

    It snowed in Croydon today

    Twist the end and if i remember the closer the metal bits get the wider it all sprays. And keeping the top bit twisted on minus produces loads of foam.
  12. C

    It snowed in Croydon today

    awsome . I have the same foam lance and it does work amazing. so fun!
  13. C

    Refurb - How much ?

    i need to get one of mine done as it kurbed really badly. Any one know where i could get it done around North Yorkshire??
  14. C

    steam !

    I posted last week that i'm running out of coolant fluid and have to re fill every 2/3 days. I got the car booked in on thursday but wanted to see if any one here thinks this steam problem has anytng to do with it. Basically When i have driven for 10 mins or so and i come to stand still i have...
  15. C

    Car Show Dates

    any really.
  16. C

    Car Show Dates

    Does anyone know the dates of any decent car shows coming up this year? Is FCS 22nd of June ?
  17. C

    Everyone's Opinions?

    Look good. gloss black would be better.
  18. C

    AB Lancer with snow foam pics

    Softens the dirt making it easier to wash and I find does help reduce swirls. Plus its fun :D
  19. C

    AB Lancer with snow foam pics

    Could if i sprayed it on for longer
  20. C

    Xenon number plate light

    nice. Would like to get one but just a bit less bright than that one shown. Where do you get them form
  21. C

    AB Lancer with snow foam pics

    It is bit expensive but you need this >> This is on offer atm aswell and you attach that to a karcher pressure washer. Only need to add snowfoam and warm water in the bottle and thats it.
  22. C

    AB Lancer with snow foam pics

    Soooo fun lol. I even washed my brothers car it was that fun lol. Pics of the effects.
  23. C

    coolant problem

    where s that. is that just the screw top on the bottle where you fill it up or else where??
  24. C

    coolant problem

    My car over heated so checked the coolant levels and there was none! So quickly added some coolant and i think i have noticed a leak around the front of the engine on one of the pipes. think it may be leaking so went to book it into the garage and told them and they were like it will take 4...
  25. C

    Clio 172

    that seems very cheap. Especially since cambelt has just been done
  26. C


    I have now found that when it rains after i've just waxed I can see smears of product. But i buff it off loads with microfibre towel. Think there is to much now lol. might just give it a rest on the wax and just use detail spray
  27. C


    I have been waxing my car everyweekend after washing it. Is this too much??
  28. C

    what sort of mileage can the 172 take?

    im on 38K miles and dreading the 40K mark. seems so much to me lol. Thing is a 2.0 litre engine usually out last a smaller engine