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Search results

  1. Scott™

    My New 172

    Very nice car mate, loose the stickers and it will be a very nice car.
  2. Scott™

    My Cup.

    Turinis look in great condition now mate. Welldone.
  3. Scott™

    Have I done something stupid here? Opinions please

    Sounds like you bought a right shitter tbh. It all depends when you buy a car on the cheap whether the repair items cost less than that of the same car but in good to average condition.
  4. Scott™

    Good evening

    Welcome to Cliosport sir.
  5. Scott™

    New Trophy Owner

    Welcome to the club. Car doesn't look too bad. Well done for saving it. Don't these normally get torn to shreds at salvage yards.
  6. Scott™

    Cup insurance

    I'm with Admiral. Paying slightly more than you but I have no no claims, so worth a try.
  7. Scott™

    snowy r27 and 182

    My favourite car at FCS was this 182. Should of won tbh. Very nice sir :)
  8. Scott™

    *** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***

    Really getting into Headquarters now. Such an easy way to get xp. Just piss me off the people that wonder around killing and not playing the game type.
  9. Scott™

    *** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***

    I am now :)
  10. Scott™

    *** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***

    Lol I played with strangers and was pretty good. Played with Ali off here and we did shiiiiit!
  11. Scott™

    *** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***

    The thing I feel this game lacks is sniping opportunities. I've hardly ever used a sniper. I like to use it for it's proper purpose, non of this bullshit quick scoping! There's just no long range mapswith sniping spots really. Maybe one or two which everyone knows about but no nooks or crannys.
  12. Scott™

    *** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***

    They need some new map releases already lol.
  13. Scott™

    Xmas/New Year meet Ideas thread.

    Looking forward to seing it tbh. And I guess we should re schedule for the new year with all the snow promised/ icy roads etc.
  14. Scott™

    172 Megane Coupe Conversion

    It was a bottomless pit mate. After getting the car running there was another fault that made it keep cutting out. I was unsure if it was electrical or the an ecu fault. So I decided to cut my losses and invest in an actual Clio.
  15. Scott™

    My 172 Cup Baby!

    I took it off before I took the picture :o
  16. Scott™

    Iphone 3GS Fault

    How much it cost you?
  17. Scott™

    Iphone 3GS Fault

    Did you get it fixed for free?
  18. Scott™

    Iphone 3GS Fault

    When I phone, or someone phones me I get awful interference from the speaker. The person on the other end can also hear it. Also when I'm searching the web on the phone you can hear the noise. So my question is, I have phone insurance but if its an internal problem I.e the speaker would...
  19. Scott™

    *** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***

    Aye I'm sure Ali Bailey will be to.
  20. Scott™

    *** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***

    Hahaha! Fancy Zombies tonight?
  21. Scott™

    *** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***

    Had a good game of Zombies with Ali last night, except the misses came home half way through and distracted me which = end of zombies.
  22. Scott™

    *** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***

    Hahaha I hope this happens tbh!
  23. Scott™

    Erm. Ok?

    I would!
  24. Scott™

    Im new to the forum.

    Welcome to the club.
  25. Scott™

    Aluminium Rare 172 Cup

    My cup can often look like either of those colours dependant on the light etc.
  26. Scott™

    The 'Clios on Coilovers' Appreciation thread.

    From this: To this:
  27. Scott™

    Detailing in my spare time...

    Very nice mate, you can be chuffed with them results.
  28. Scott™

    *** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***

    Xbox? Zombies? Anyone? Tonight?
  29. Scott™

    The 'Ring' - 1967

    Awsome video. Love the music haha.
  30. Scott™

    how long do you leave your..

    Same as most here, get in and drive until up to temp. Or I get in, smack the lights on start the car then de ice etc.