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  1. Scott™

    What Camera + Package to get?

    Thanks JJ that's a real helpful post. I will have a good read through tonight.
  2. Scott™

    My current laptop

    Sorry for my stupidity but how do you upgrade the ram on a laptop?
  3. Scott™

    What Camera + Package to get?

    You lads really haven't helped me out here lol. Its a tough choice with so many things to consider.
  4. Scott™

    Squeak/wine on cold start up arg!

    I had this problem mate and three garages later I took it to a specialist and they said its a glaze on the belt mixed with what Danny just said.
  5. Scott™

    Cup in the Lakes.

    Very nice sir.
  6. Scott™

    172 using water

    Not if you keep topping it up.
  7. Scott™

    My current laptop

    That's the problem its not even 6 months old and cost about £400. Perhaps if I forgot about gaming, what would I need to replace to improve its memory etc?
  8. Scott™

    My current laptop

    I'm currently using a Toshiba Satellite laptop but its s**t for pretty much everything but searching the net and remedial tasks. I've always been one for gaming etc and was wondering if your able to upgrade parts of your laptop. For example a bigger hard drive, better graphics card. Its...
  9. Scott™

    What Camera + Package to get?

    Right so in March I was bought a Canon Powershot SX10 IS. I now feel after months of happy snapping its time to upgrade and get myself a proper DSLR. Now after owning a canon I want to swap to Nikon purley because lots of close family members having Nikons which I've had a play with and then...
  10. Scott™

    *** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***

    Back online now fella :o I had to go for food.
  11. Scott™

    *** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***

    I fooking hate the MP5K. Its stupendously inaccurate.
  12. Scott™

    *** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***

    Ok mate won't be online till this evening. Some of us have to work haha.
  13. Scott™

    *** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***

    You gayer, I left an awsome game to join you and CJ last night and both you f*****s left lol.
  14. Scott™

    *** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***

    Im thinking shall I go online/ sharnt I.... urgh
  15. Scott™

    Clutch Release Bearing

    So if it goes it goes? I wont case any damage other than being stuck in gear or what not?
  16. Scott™

    Clutch Release Bearing

    And does the bearing come as part of the clutch kit?
  17. Scott™

    Clutch Release Bearing

    Is the bearing a wear and tear item then or is it some thing that goes after abuse?
  18. Scott™

    Clutch Release Bearing

    Well after the days and weeks of not knowing what was wrong with the car I now do..... The clutch release bearing. Not only that but the garage that replaced the aux belt, didn't tighten it enough so some of the squeal was from that. I know have the car at a better garage. So how much...
  19. Scott™

    [PC/Xbox360/PS3] Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Official Thread

    Cool I shall look to invest in the near future.
  20. Scott™

    [PC/Xbox360/PS3] Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Official Thread

    So you will need the original game I take it?
  21. Scott™

    [PC/Xbox360/PS3] Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Official Thread

    Is BC2 Vietnam a map add on or an actual game thats being released? Sorry for my stupidity.
  22. Scott™

    A little meet in Istanbul 2.0 16V

    Some nice looking cars there.
  23. Scott™

    Cup Culling Season?

    Mines still ill which is a good thing with all this ice and bad weather. Shes been tucked up outside the house for a few weeks now.
  24. Scott™

    The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

    That's a brilliant affect. I wonder if that's just out of focus too after applying the cap.
  25. Scott™

    *** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***

    Urgh tell me about it mate. Look forward to having some games online.
  26. Scott™

    Hello just got a CUP :-)

    Welcome to the club.
  27. Scott™

    Official GT5 Picture Thread

    Damn I wish I still had a PS3 :(
  28. Scott™

    New Member saying hi

    Welcome to the club Steve.
  29. Scott™

    Clio and Friends!

    Shame you didn't get better pictures of the clio...