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  1. Scott™

    My 197 cup

    Gorgeous looking car. I love the subtle mods. Wheels look ace.
  2. Scott™

    Sydney Drive Day - 28.11.10 (56k go make a cuppa)

    Looks ace mate.
  3. Scott™

    Belt Squeaking 172 Cup

    Well it's going to the garage Thursday. Took it for a diagnostics just now and he said it sounds like a bearing but couldn't tell me where. He seemed to think the alt could have a slip clutch or something?
  4. Scott™

    Xenon and squirting Issues !!!!

    No idea about your washer jets but your head light bulbs go pink in colour at the end of their life, so you say they have lost colouration so I'd say its time for new bulbs.
  5. Scott™

    *** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***

    Double tap ftw.
  6. Scott™

    South Wales General Chat

    Hmmm news... Car is making a funny squeaky noise lol and Ive just driven home in the worst icy conditions ever. Gearing up to xmas now so well and truly skint!
  7. Scott™

    Xmas/New Year meet Ideas thread.

    I don't mind you coming along pritchard, more the merrier but you can't say one thing and then do the next as you please.
  8. Scott™

    Xmas/New Year meet Ideas thread.

    You sure now? What about all the chavs at the last meet?
  9. Scott™

    problem spraying diamonds

    You need to get them keyed up real good. Cut the surface right back. Using plastic prima? And lots of even coats?
  10. Scott™

    Storm Grey 200

    THE best combination for this car! Looks stunning.
  11. Scott™

    Hi (:

    Welcome to the club.
  12. Scott™

    *** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***

    Mind if I add you aswell then mate :o
  13. Scott™

    *** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***

    Had a few games lately pm on its way.
  14. Scott™

    *** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***

    Hate this map, along with Radiation. Camping fests.
  15. Scott™

    Newbie question (One of Dans photos)

    Just a quick question Dan, what sort of size torch are we using here? I have an LED torch but don't seem to get near enough that much lighting.
  16. Scott™

    Belt Squeaking 172 Cup

    Cheers Mick :) Had the belt tightened to no joy so bought another just incase. Shall take it to another garage to fit the belt and check the alt. Cheers man, defo going to get it looked into.
  17. Scott™

    *** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***

    I can confirm AK is a camper :o He loves it!
  18. Scott™

    Playstation 3 - Friends/messages

    Yes, messages or just before think its triangle and then delete all.
  19. Scott™

    Belt Squeaking 172 Cup

    Any more thoughts guys?
  20. Scott™

    Belt Squeaking 172 Cup

    Right more of an investigation it sounds as if the noise is coming from under the Air box. Here is a video I took.
  21. Scott™

    *** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***

    Just got to level 19, was playing with some right good lads. Upgraded both my M16 and some thing else. Insane it was.
  22. Scott™

    *** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***

    Fire trap? And xbox or PS3? Im well keen for a game today.
  23. Scott™

    *** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***

    Afgh the bain of my life gettin s**t players. And as for the box it does my head in. I've yet to receive a good weapon, rocket launcher, snipped and those double pistols. I mean come on... WTF
  24. Scott™

    *** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***

    What about explosive damage resistance or what ever its called. Happened to me a few times today.
  25. Scott™

    *** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***

    Well getting into Zombies. Was teleported into the light room over looking the theatre room and was just lobbing grenades left right and centre. So much fun.
  26. Scott™

    Belt Squeaking 172 Cup

    Let me perhaps explain the situation a little better sorry guys. On start up there is a squeaking noise a bit like a dodgy wheel on a go kart we all used to have. If I dab the accelerator it gets quicker and louder, if I push the clutch in it gets quicker ad louder. Took the car to the garage...
  27. Scott™

    Belt Squeaking 172 Cup

    The squeaking deffinatly sounds like its coming from the belt though? It just gets louder once the clutch is in.
  28. Scott™

    Belt Squeaking 172 Cup

    The squeaking deffinatly sounds like its coming from the belt though?