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  1. extremeinferno

    prospeed 'midnote'?

    thanks mate, is that with a decat?
  2. extremeinferno

    prospeed 'midnote'?

    im getting my prospeed fitted friday, charlie recons that the midnote 3.5" system should be quite a 'sports' note has anyone got this system that can comfirm this (or a vid), dont realy want a chavvy sound james
  3. extremeinferno

    blue 182, thamesdown drive, swindon '*** btc'

    wouldnt mind giving that a go, never done one. il keep an eye out in the 'meetings' section.
  4. extremeinferno

    Yes i'm an ASW...

    looking good!
  5. extremeinferno

    blue 182, thamesdown drive, swindon '*** btc'

    not done any meets yet, except fcs 09. have a word with a few people see how many we can get together. james
  6. extremeinferno

    blue 182, thamesdown drive, swindon '*** btc'

    got a new hanger, just the way it sits. getting a prospeed soon. have to organise a swindon meet i recon seen a few cliosport guys in swindon
  7. extremeinferno

    blue 182, thamesdown drive, swindon '*** btc'

    seen you earlier did wave back, after i woke up lol. hope you didnt notice my ghey exhaust:o james
  8. extremeinferno

    photoshop exhaust please

    maybe a 182 style one from prospeed, and its not a cup lol
  9. extremeinferno

    photoshop exhaust please

    hi just wondering if anyones able to photoshop a 182 stle exhaust but with bigger tailpipes, thinking of getting a prospeed one but not to sure realy let me know if pic isnt good enough james
  10. extremeinferno

    My new 200

    wasnt keen on the 200's at first, youve changed my mind! love the plate too :)
  11. extremeinferno

    ClioSport Calendar 2010

    my 2 fav's, wont stand a chance though lol
  12. extremeinferno

    I'm officially a t**t!

    look alright, almost as good as the 'my clio' thread seriously, looks ok mate
  13. extremeinferno

    my clio!!

    like the black roof! not anything else though. and welcome!
  14. extremeinferno

    carbon diamond
  15. extremeinferno

    Col de Tende pix(France)

    WOW, look fun!
  16. extremeinferno

    another carbon diamond
  17. extremeinferno

    Vibration from Climate control fan

    mine does exactly the same, read on a thread way back to spray wd40 in the motor, no joy for me though
  18. extremeinferno

    carbon diamond
  19. extremeinferno

    carbon dash strips
  20. extremeinferno

    rs tuner- cant download rst or cal files

    anyway back to the rs tuner subject lol. all sorted now loads better when i used the files as mentioned. feel alot more 'pokey'. thanks again for all your help greeny. james
  21. extremeinferno

    rs tuner- cant download rst or cal files

    lovly job! thanks for your help, will let you know how i get on mate
  22. extremeinferno

    rs tuner- cant download rst or cal files

    so would you start again and use '6500_5404 .rst and then 6500_5B03 RON98 july'
  23. extremeinferno

    rs tuner- cant download rst or cal files

    i did click read ecu, thats right yea? the cal file only took about 2mins to change, thought it took about half hour? thanks again for you help# will change rst. in a bit
  24. extremeinferno

    rs tuner- cant download rst or cal files

    before i started it said my sortware was 6400 and cal 2A07 i changed my .cal to '6400-2A07 aug 08' does this sound right
  25. extremeinferno

    rs tuner- cant download rst or cal files

    thanks guys, clicked save target as, i only changed the .cal file, not realy noticed much difference tbh it seems to idle a bit better, but habnt noticed any power difference. maybe il notice it more in the morning when its cold, as it usualy runs rubbish from cold
  26. extremeinferno

    rs tuner- cant download rst or cal files

    just giving my rs tuner a go when i try and download the rst/cal files it just takes me to a page with loads of random letters and numbers? any ideas james
  27. extremeinferno

    anyone from wilts fancy doin rstuner?

    thanks for that write up steve doesnt loo9k to bad after reading that, can someone confirm that this is wot i need to download, when i click 'unlock vci' to get the unlock code it said software=6400 and cal=2A07. so all i have to do is back up my ecu, then click 'write ecu' then select the...
  28. extremeinferno

    anuone willing to de-swirl in wilts area(ish)

    my monaco is getting desperate for a machine polish, just wondering if anyone in my area fancy's doin it? james
  29. extremeinferno

    Uncle Rich Penny Bags

    not something id do, but fair play for not being a sheep with turni's and silvervisions(like me lol)