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Search results

  1. Dave

    [PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

    Have they sorted out all the cheating yet?
  2. Dave

    Currys offer for TVs more than 599

    I did think this could be a very very good deal.
  3. Dave

    Riggers' Mk2 Xr2 project...

    I dont want to read ANY more in this thread its hurting my eyes.
  4. Dave

    Insurance thread for young 1*2 owners

    Re: Insurance. Fookers! (young 172/182 owners look in) LOL. Yes, I was young once. I used to moan on t'internet about how much it cost too probably. But £1800 on a £300 Fiesta? Where do you live? Afghanistan? TPF&T on little shitty shitty bang bangs. Surely not £1800 worth?
  5. Dave

    Insurance thread for young 1*2 owners

    Re: Insurance. Fookers! (young 172/182 owners look in) You're all mad. Anyone paying over a ton a month to insure a Clio is actually certifiable.
  6. Dave

    Firefox help

    I have it set up for private history etc. But it used to let me use the back and forward buttons, and now it doesnt they are greyed out. How can I have no history but use the back and forward buttons? I did it before...
  7. Dave

    Apple MacBooks and MBP

    How much discount do Apple employees get?
  8. Dave

    Apple MacBooks and MBP

  9. Dave

    Apple MacBooks and MBP

    Hmmm. I do fancy it. But dunno it its worth the outlay. £500 every three years. If I shelled out £1500 on one would it last 9 years. Doubtful. But they are so shiney.
  10. Dave

    Apple MacBooks and MBP

    Whats the build quality like? Is it leagues ahead of my Compaq Laptop? I wont be buying yet, but wondered. My Compaq is nearly 3 years old, and the fan is struggling, its giving out a heat, so I know it wont be long.....
  11. Dave

    [PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

    Dont spose they've fixed the cheating yet?
  12. Dave

    Erm, mate. Where's your air filter...

    I think Daniel should buy it and turn a profit to demonstrate to us his awesomeness.
  13. Dave

    Red Rings of 360

    April 2008. Book in.
  14. Dave

    Red Rings of 360

    Coolio. Think Ive had it 2.5 years.
  15. Dave

    Red Rings of 360

    Pissed off TBH. Always thought "it will never happen to me". So whats the score then?
  16. Dave

    Good Car / Bad Car?

    Keep it going people...
  17. Dave

    [PC/Xbox360/PS3] Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Official Thread

    Unless somethings gone wrong remembering I've been in ONE on ONE matches before LOL!
  18. Dave

    Good Car / Bad Car?

    I'd imagine for the search function to work properly we need a format for the Registrations to be typed. So no spaces.
  19. Dave

    Good Car / Bad Car?

    Not sure if we've had this on here - thought it might be an idea. Basically if you have had ownership or knowledge of a car, post in this thread the registration of the car and what you know of it. Prospective buyers would in theory be able to use the search function, search the reg, and...
  20. Dave

    Microsofts Mobile Phone - KIN

  21. Dave

    Is Stripping the car bad?

  22. Dave

    Clio 200 MPG?!?!?!

    MPG really put me off the 197/200s.
  23. Dave

    [PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

    Have they stopped the cheating yet?
  24. Dave

    [PC/Xbox360/PS3] Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Official Thread

    I love this game. Been playing a bit of conquest and dont get it really. No matter how much time you spend capturing still comes down to kills right? So why bother?
  25. Dave

    My New Clio DCi 100 :D finally!!

    I need a 5 door for the misses.
  26. Dave

    My New Clio DCi 100 :D finally!!

    How much please?
  27. Dave

    Got myself a new amazing P&S

  28. Dave

    Fallout 3

    This game was shockingly bad. Along with Assassins Creed II. HOW long to get into! Sod them.
  29. Dave

    [PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

    Are they going to fix the cheating?