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Search results

  1. Dave

    New Wheels

    Cant see them mate. Are you David Hooker by any chance?
  2. Dave

    197 'residual values'

    Fooking hell. When I think my 2 year old 182 is worth 7-8k! I'll never buy a new car again without F&F discount!
  3. Dave

    182 Coil Pack, Under Warranty?

    57k! I thought I did some miles!
  4. Dave

    182 decat sounds

    Tom being witty/dry/sarcastic.
  5. Dave

    182 decat sounds

    Yup its not a particularly pretty sounding car. But certainly opens up more.
  6. Dave

    Help finding a garage

    Talon I've no idea what the fault is but I'm in Essex and it takes me 90mins to get to Portsmouth. I'd suggest you try Portsmouth also - Mike@Rentech - Rentech.
  7. Dave

    Calling all Williams 3 owners!!!!

    You ever sell that Bill let me know.
  8. Dave

    The future : My Dilemma

    Firefighters don't actually make that much on their basic salaries. Most rely on having another profession from what I'm told.
  9. Dave

    The future : My Dilemma

    The money you spend on your car is wasted. It doesnt make it faster, it doesnt increase its value and it is essentially that "wannabe" factor that no one wants. Like Ferrari bodykits for MR2s. Do you really want to go there? IMHO tuck the money for mods away in preparation and saving for...
  10. Dave

    New Member and proud owner of a 172.

    Idle is usually not very smooth. Never had a changer I cant answer that. Exhaust pinging is it colling down after being hot, its just the metal contracting. Buzzing sound - cant help. Alarm is usually Cat 1 alarm and immobiliser (unless import). Test by setting and then use the key to unlock a...
  11. Dave

    Who has the shinest car..........

    I never bother competing with Rich.
  12. Dave

    Does anyone ever think...

    Reasons I wash the 182; 1. When it is shiney it makes me happy and want to keep it. 2. It can actually help sell it if someone nearby has seen you about in it and its always in good nick. 3. Maintains the paint and therefore some value. 4. Spends some boredom time. I always laugh when...
  13. Dave

    How much have you spent on modding ?

    I wont do passed cars, just the 182. 182 Trophy Turini's - about £80.00 in total. Sold the original wheels for £450 plus petrol fetching them Trophy Recaro's - About £1000 in buying, fetching and fitting. Sold original seats for £250 IIRC so about £750.00 Prospeed Exchaust about £600.00 in...
  14. Dave

    Written Off

    How bad was the VXR!
  15. Dave

    Mike T's Supercharged V6 Returns......

    Looks awesome. The lad is taking all the negative spoiler comments well too....!
  16. Dave

    Accident: What details do you give?

    Advice in the event of a road accident What should you do if you are involved in a road collision? You must STOP at the scene If someone is injured, telephone for an ambulance and the police, giving an accurate location. If no one is injured but the road is blocked, or you need assistance...
  17. Dave

    Car Audio Direct...

    they are very, very good.
  18. Dave

    What to do...

    Sell now. Buy a car for winter. Then in March look at a V.
  19. Dave

    Any point to the Trophy

    This is probably the reason that your profession is not in designing vehicles, and not in marketing.