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So yeah,
Powerflex'ed the dogbone the other night and while i noted the car buzzes like a dildo now, the knock under bongo hard acceleration or axle tramp is still there...
I have replaced the gearbox upper about a month ago too so was hoping the noise would have gone.
Tell me ill not have...
Can anyone recommend a product or technique for cleaning the alloy 2.0 16v bullets?
I have tried tar removal products, polish and even clay but they are still marked?
Had a quick gander at daves dogbone guide and i followed that to the T (very useful post btw dave)
I replaced my upper gb mount a short while ago with one from ECP as well
If you ABSOLUTELY AND UTTERLY have to stick with your car, you could always get NO2..........but, you really should let your insurance know and as soon as you say the word "Nitrous" to them, they will s**t.
A 1.2 is NEVER going to stir the soul, even with 100 odd hp of Nitrous up its arse.
Hmm......i have this too and i was thinking the akternator but if the carbon cannister can indeed make this noise then its a possibility........right area
Henk on here might take alook, you could post a link to this thread in the Fastchip section.....
There are many many smart people on here who look at these cars daily, Fred, Sideways Danny etc to name a couple....Not all of them get on through the day though so alas, you will probably have to...
Oh you can indeed mate, but i am being hoest when i say that mine was the had no effect on driving though.
Have the usual plugs, coil, leads etc been checked?
Dont know about the 197 but my ph2 172 does (well did before the remap) it too and i just put it down to a lumpy doesnt manifest itself in driving at all.....i assume yours is the same?
It idles quite low for such a lumpy high powered engine and the RSTuner map bumps this to 1000...
Okey dokey,
So I bought a lummy low mileage gearbox for a standby.
I stripped it down because it had been sitting outside a good while and could see that it had a good bit of oil/water Mayo inside.
Glad I did cos it was rammed with the crap, was very happy to see the superb condition...
Maybe he means the "dephaser".......
Which is indeed a leak potential......
Its one of the cam wheels, the one that alters the timing and its full 'o' oil
Just to be clear, they all seem to be horrifically lumpy at idle. Really lunpy, almost like they are missing.
I recently remapped mine with RSTuner and with a raised idle, it is so much smoother.
Its a wee "doo-dah" you plug into your car and your laptop that when used with the RSTuner software available from, allows you to remap your car for a ludicrously reasonable price
I just did mine today
If you dont do it, you are DAFT imo.