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Turd :( Engine STILL knocking after Powerflex doggie bone

  2003 Clio 172
So yeah,

Powerflex'ed the dogbone the other night and while i noted the car buzzes like a dildo now, the knock under bongo hard acceleration or axle tramp is still there...

I have replaced the gearbox upper about a month ago too so was hoping the noise would have gone.

Tell me ill not have to do the others too ffs?

On a 50K car?

  Megane 225 F1
Tried the engine mount? I had this. I loosened off all 4 bolts, pulled forward and tightened up.
  2003 Clio 172
Aye, gave this a go Will but to be fair, not since th ePFlex went on.

Might go out and give it a hauling now and test it tomorrow

common prob , hard to fix. you'll have to live with it. (K-tec solid mounts for on top maybe last resort)
