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  1. Dave

    how much do ya reckon...please

    Arent the stickers there hiding a big f**k off scratch or something IIRC?
  2. Dave

    Clicking Sound With Windscreen Wipers

    fooking annoying but normal.
  3. Dave

    Battered Cup

    I would get it done by somebody who could manage 100% for £400. Family members is always a bad idea.
  4. Dave

    B2 - No more rattles!

    They will know that there are certain "alien" sticky back foam pieces in the unit. As no other B2 they take apart will have these inside. Sorrt to state the apparent obvious.
  5. Dave

    Gatso Court Case, Very Interesting!!

    His case is this week. Will be very, very interesting.
  6. Dave

    Heat Reflecting Windscreen and Tom Tom Go

    Heat reflective windscreen poxes everything up. Even my Dart Tag godammit.
  7. Dave

    Who seats for me/with me

    Oh my! So anyone want seats for £
  8. Dave

    Who seats for me/with me

    Just checked around I reckon I could ask 600 for the std seats surely!
  9. Dave

    Who seats for me/with me

    Id need at least half the money for the new seats to be viable I would think. But I dunno if they are worth that. Id have to check around I woulda thought they are worth at least £400 at a sheer guess - that aint a quote lol!
  10. Dave

    leaking 2004 182!

    lol I dont do rear passengers either!
  11. Dave

    Who seats for me/with me

    Haha where r u two nuts based?!! Lookit all the support on this fantastic club eh... SO tempted to get these seats now. Also what is meant by belt guides ...?
  12. Dave

    Who seats for me/with me

    lol! any idea how to stop the light coming on for the air bags too...oh and this is all speculative as im skint at the moment!!! lol
  13. Dave

    Recaro seat option for 182!

    I would like to know how this light is prevented!!!!
  14. Dave

    leaking 2004 182!

    lol I dont wanna know about that stuff! what I dont know doesnt hurt me!
  15. Dave

    Who seats for me/with me

    I wouldnt have a clue...but if I got hold of these Recaro trendlines is there anyone who would have a go with me in exchange for a few pints maybe? also...anyone got any idea how much Id get for 2 std 182 seats?
  16. Dave

    Recaro seat option for 182!

    So....basically, long and the short of it is THAT..... If i get the seats from an aftermarket retailer I will be paying £1200 roughly. The seats will look NO different from the seats that I would recieve from Renault. Something tells me I will be looking out for a pranged 182 with these...
  17. Dave

    Being gay when closing the bonnet

  18. Dave

    Being gay when closing the bonnet

    Ive been such a nancy today. I tried the lower it to "just" the right height and drop it (with a worried grimace upon my visage) and also the lower it and then push it down by hand (with a worried grimace upon my visage). How do you close yours lol!
  19. Dave

    Recaro seat option for 182!

    Yeah I agree I wouldnt be surprised if that turned out to be BS but Recaro seats?! If they are decent ill get em.
  20. Dave

    Recaro seat option for 182!

    If they are then im selling my leathers and getting them.