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  1. BuCkLeY...


    Hi kinda lost weather oem front pads or mintex upgrades. Heard they squeal a lot ? And only do low milage a year. What's the standard performance like on oem pads? And mintex? Thanks :)
  2. BuCkLeY...

    Tyre rating

    hi Gonna order some tyres tonight is 87W ok? For a 182 Thanks :)
  3. BuCkLeY...


    hi when I put foot down in my 182 it kinda hesitates? And stutters for about. Second then fires into life. Any one got any ideas. Changed plugs and still same :/
  4. BuCkLeY...

    Dash trims

    hi my new Clio has got some silver spray on the middle clock surround like ontop of it. If I take the dash out can I replace this or is it all connected to the actual dash? The bit which tells u the time
  5. BuCkLeY...

    Headlight rest

    hi I got the wet and dry :) what shell I use after? I've got some G3 scratch stuff and then some tripple? Or any other recommendations?
  6. BuCkLeY...

    Advise on aux belt

    Hi gotta do aux belt as guy I brought off only had cambelt done no aux belt. Take bumper and headlight out? Also easiest way to put tensioner in ?
  7. BuCkLeY...

    Can't find right pads?

    Hi I got a second hand Meg v220 and can't find the right pads or original. They are 7inch pads and was wondering if someone could help me get some as I'm lost :/ Thanks
  8. BuCkLeY...

    Centre clock bezel

    hi Anyone tell me how it comes off? Does it pull off or is it a dash top removal job? Thanks
  9. BuCkLeY...

    Mop for newbie :)

    Looking to get mop for Xmas anyone have any recommendations one as no idea were to start. Thanks
  10. BuCkLeY...

    1.2 cambelt?

    hi how often do you change a cam belt on a 1.2 16v :) Thanks
  11. BuCkLeY...

    Carbon canister

    Hi what causes these to tick loud ? And would a second hand part make it quiet again ? Thanks
  12. BuCkLeY...

    Carbon canister

    Hi Was wondering the clicking noise from the offside headlight. I guess carbon can sister if I change shud it stop clicking? Or maybe something else at fault ? Thanks
  13. BuCkLeY...

    Areo wipers?

    Anyone shed any light on which areo wipers I could fit on my car :/ kinda lost Many thanks
  14. BuCkLeY...

    Airbag/ service light

    Hi I was wondering if someone could tell me which wires to solder. Many thanks pic attached
  15. BuCkLeY...

    Airbag/service light

    Hi Was wondering if someone could tell me what wires to solder as have been on for ages and now got some spare time to sort out :) Thanks
  16. BuCkLeY...

    Wheel bearing Whine..

    Hi, ive got a wheel bearing whine from the rear, don't know which drum yet but from the rear. I was looking and do new drums have the bearings in already? or is it a press job :) thanks
  17. BuCkLeY...

    1.2 gearbox oil

    hi was wondering what oil for my gearbox :) 1.2 51reg. And was wondering if anyone knows how much the plastic screw Is. And what sump plug I'll need washer etc Thanks
  18. BuCkLeY...

    Sunroof seal?

    What do you use in terms of silicone to seal it :) Thanks
  19. BuCkLeY...

    Sunroof seal?

    Don't know if it's in the right section haha but gonna try :) What's the best product to seal the clio sunroof with? Wana get it done in this nice weather before it rains :)
  20. BuCkLeY...

    Glovebox bulb

    Hi what's the bulb size for the glovebox / boot lid??? I can't find the guide :/ Thanks
  21. BuCkLeY...

    Highly recommended polish?

    Hi im buying megauirs ultimate compound and I like AG SRP but leaves white dust and I was looking to try another. Any recommendations?
  22. BuCkLeY...

    Swirls by hand?

    Hi Was looking for some products to get rid of swirls etc and just bring the shine back. Any ideas I haven't got da or polisher. It will be done by hand :) Thanks
  23. BuCkLeY...

    Carbon canister 1.2

    Hi I've got a 1.2 Clio and there's annoying ticking noise from the carbon canister. It's so loud when sat at traffic lights so I'm looking to change it. Are these easy to do? It's under the osf headlight if that helps Thanks :smile:
  24. BuCkLeY...

    Carbon canister ?

    Hi I've got a 1.2 Clio and there's annoying ticking noise from the carbon canister. It's so loud when sat at traffic lights so I'm looking to change it. Are these easy to do? It's under the osf headlight if that helps Thanks :)
  25. BuCkLeY...

    is this repairable

    Hi is this repairable from anyone's knowledge
  26. BuCkLeY...

    1.2 ticking noise once turned off.

    Hi just drove it for like ten minutes stopped and all u can hear once stopped is a ticking noise. Really struggling :( any ideas thanks It's a 1.2 16v 51 reg Any help appreciated
  27. BuCkLeY...

    Engine oil for a 1.2

    Hi, Looking to change the oil in my 51 reg 1.2. Checked auto data n says 5w30 yet people say 5w40 is best. Going with castrol magnatec just undecided on what grade. Any help. Thanks
  28. BuCkLeY...

    Cigar lighter bulb?

    Hi taken cigar lighter apart to get access to the bulb but don't know what size It is? Anyone got any idea it's a 51 reg :/
  29. BuCkLeY...

    1.2 16v spark plug problem

    Hi :smile: Was going to change the plugs on my 1.2 an found there is a plastic cap from the Ht leads on them. Anyone got a idea how to remove them I tried coat hanger which had a hook on the end. But didn't work 😧 It's the engine with long and narrow plugs which need a special socket :)
  30. BuCkLeY...

    which brake band is best...

    Hi, Was looking to replace the discs and pads on a budget and was wondering what brands people recommend. I was going to order mintex but reviews say they squeal aloy. Any other brands people recommend