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  1. L

    IT Guys
  2. L

    Network Issue (advanced)

    Background: We are currently using an Custom Application that was hosted on our server (quote/booking/ordering system) but for several reasons we had to take it off our server and put it on a workstation with XP Pro. We are using SQL Express on this XP machine to run the application...
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    Photos of my area!

    Took some photos today of my area using Panasonic FZ-50 (non-DSLR).
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    Exchange guru's?

    I've got a problem.... We suddenly getting a influx of NDR's on a exchange account (hundreds) from e-mail addresses we never heard of. At first I thought someone is using us as a relay -but I have the server locked down tight and it can't be used as a open relay. I then wondered if...
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    50" Plasma!

    Seems like a good deal: Hitachi 50" Plasma TV Widescreen P50T01 HD Ready HDMI Integrated Digital Freeview inc Motorized Stand (1yr Collect and Return Warranty) £752
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    SW Meet 27/1/08

    Was a good laugh.... yc9zQrTKo3U Meeting point for me:
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    8-core goodness on it's way!

    I've just ordered a new Mac Pro - can't wait!
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    Power Adaptor

    Anyone know where I can get this type of power adapter from: must be AC/AC output:12v 2000mA seems difficult to find.
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    Divx/XviD doesn't work using media extender!

    Just thought i'd point that out after trying to get it to work for nearly an hour! Only works using dashboard sharing function or disc/usb.
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    Woot! just passed my last exam today to get my MCSE qualification! a lot of time effort went into I tell you. 9 exams in total all about 2-3hrs each.
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    182 battery problem!

    If I don't use my car for over 2 days the battery is dead and car won't start! Happens everytime its ok if I leave it for 2 days or less. When I drive for about 20-30mins after getting a jump start its all fine again unless of course I leave it longer than 2 days. I pursume the alternator is...
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    Vista upgrade?

    Well I can hold of vista through college for £5 but it's the business edition. Is it worth upgrading to the ulimate version at all? if so anyone know how much to upgrade from business to ultimate is? or xp pro to ultimate? It's purely to play DX10 games really I won't be using it yet...
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    Broadband Suppliers

    I'm moving into my NEW house on Friday and the local exchange isn't unbundled so I'm stuck for broadband choice. Narrowed it down to these 4: thoughts? Sky BB 8mbs 40gig £17 + £10 (sky) Line Rental = £27 Pipex 8mbs 30gig £20 + £10.50 (BT) Line Rental = £30.50 Virgin 8mbs...
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    Free Proxy Server?

    Anyone know of a FREE proxy server? Got a old PC lying around and wanna use it to monitor Internet Access/Usage for a small workgroup of about 15PC's.
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    Gasket needed

    The one between the downpipe and cat is fucked! so I need to replace it. Do I get one from Renault or can I get an aftermarket one? rough cost for one of these? Also does it come as a kit? with the bolts and everything? cheers
  16. L

    Network Professionals - need help!

    Ok I've got a really annoying network problem! Please find attached a basic layout of the network to help you picture the scene. Problem: The network has been running fine for months but all of a sudden I seem to be getting a fault with the internet connection on just one subnet (subnet B)...
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    Mac Parts?

    Anyone know where I could get a ibook G4 (12") screen from cheap? Girlfriend dropped here laptop! cheers
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    Blue 182 Chiverton Roundabout A30 Cornwall

    Seen you up the queue in the traffic and thought he'd be a kind 182 owner who would let me sneak in the queue and he did!! nice 1 had CS sticker in rear window.
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    woot got my MCSA qualification

    Yes i've just passed my final exam today (70-291) woot! so if anyone is doing it currently or going to be doing it and wants some advice - feel free to ask me!
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    Adobe CS3

    Order 2 upgrade copies online with adobe on 4th July - chased my order today and it still hasn't been sent! There is a problem at the warehouse? Anyone know what the problem is? they wouldn't tell me on the phone. There is a link online but it doesn't work lol...
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    Forza - My V6 in action :)

    turn it up loud:
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    Windscreen Cracked!

    I have a big crack in it off a flying stone :( Do I just take it to the main Renault dealer and get them to sort it or ring autoglass etc? I'm with directline insurance and it is covered on the policy. Or do I have to ring insurance people? Cheers
  23. L

    3 red lights on my Xbox again tonight - fixed

    Yes the good old towel worked yet again on my xbox. Took a vid this time to show it works.
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    Want one of these little suckers!

    Bargain! Video of it in flight here (scroll down):
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    FAO Lee : Playseat,shop.flypage/product_id,2168/category_id,1074/ got one yet?
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    Forza2 Fans

    Check out this site - run by a friend of mine "Welcome to our Forza Motorsport community. Our aim is to provide an environment where gamers can enjoy fun, fair and competitive racing online. We'll be running FM2 Community Race Nights, Cup Nights & League...
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    Vista Business Edition

    Anyone tried to implement this in a windows based domain? Having a nightmare getting roaming profiles to work and redirecting 'my documents' client side (not using GPO) the option is grayed out unlike XP. Not to mention our xerox presses/printers have massive problems aswell - although...
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    New Monitor for PC

    Looking at upgrading my trusty old CRT monitor. Found this at a good price for the size & resolution: seems like a bargain?
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    Cheap Media Centre for HDTV

    Thinking about building a small PC for my sammy TV. Want it to view digital broadcasts - pause live TV, Record TV shows, access music and photo's as well as viewing video files. # Intel D865GSA Motherboard i865G LGA775 P4/Celeron 5.1 Audio micro ATX £29.10 # In Win BT553 Black micro ATX...
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    IT Experts: Windows SBS 2003 r2

    I need to add a 5 user license to my Windows SBS 2003. I found this on amazon: Will this work? If so what does the VUP MLP bit mean? Cheers