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Search results

  1. N

    First Play with New Toys

    Very nice mate :)
  2. N

    Have you ever seen anything like it? (4x4 + Exhaust content) Saw this beaut as a colleague and I were on our way home from work. It doesnt show too well but the exhaust is actually strapped below the tow bar!
  3. N

    Poobahs New Project - VTEC Yo Content

    Looks incredible mate, the exact same colour/spec I would have gone for!
  4. N

    Hardcore Clio Ph1 V6 (fail) with picture

  5. N

    South West French Car Show

    always one :D I think there's a few around our area, we can create a thread nearer the time! Sounds like a plan!
  6. N

    South West French Car Show

    I'm over in Shepton Luke, we should arrange a mini convoy :)
  7. N

    South West French Car Show

    1. Chip (inc track) 2. Lesley (inc track) 3. Aaron 4. cazzy 5. Mr Bean 6. Ben 7. Nick
  8. N

    Ticket Systems - IT Helpdesk

    We use Netsuite which works quite well.
  9. N

    For anyone that's ordered from Fancy Plates...

    I got my plates in a few days and had my discount credited back a few days after that.
  10. N

    Fabia Front splitter...

    As above it is most likely going to crack/peel and then look pants. Leave it as is imo.
  11. N

    3rd brake light out

    Thanks for your reply Mick, I think ill wait for the weather to pick up a bit before I have a look! When I had my rstuner that didn't pick up any faults with the brake switch or anything like that, would it have been likely to?
  12. N

    3rd brake light out

    Hi All, My 3rd brake light doesn't appear to be working. Im also unable to set the speed of my cruise control so im wondering if the issue may be some how linked? Any known issues allong these lines and potential fixes or is it going to be just a case of replacing the rear brake light unit? Any...
  13. N

    Saxo VTR to Clio 182 (RB content) - saxo history post 1

    I do miss my saxo, enjoy the clio :)
  14. N

    iPhone 5.

    *touch wood* mine has been flawless
  15. N

    iPhone 5.

    I was in one of my local towns today and saw an o2 shop, so went in on the off chance they may have a phone in stock, 10 minutes later walked out with a 64Gb iphone 5. Only down fall was it worked out £50 more expensive to get it from the shop than online which I think is a bit of a joke so I...
  16. N

    Trophy - Midsomer Norton **** WRC

    Had a cliosport sticker in the back window so assume its someone from on here?! I was in the black 182 behind you!
  17. N

    Holiday Pics

    Awkward.. :P
  18. N

    What's your favourite product?

    Zymol Carbon wax, just works so well!
  19. N

    Project Tight Ar$e

    What a bargain!
  20. N

    White Clio/White Horse Hill Photos!!!

    Car looking very clean! I do like popping up to the white horse on the odd occasion to get a glimpse of the sunset. Where about are you located?
  21. N


    :D haha
  22. N


    Haha is that still going?!
  23. N

    My LY 182 thread

    Looks great mate :)
  24. N

    iPhone 5.

    Re: iPhone 5. Pre-Orders 14/9. Ships 21/9. iOS6 19/9 I too am sold!
  25. N

    Jailbroken Apple TV - Talk to me

    Haha, yeah i'd probably get yourself on apples website and buy a new one. It isn't rocket science to jailbreak if you want that extra functionality!
  26. N

    black clio 182 kingswood bristol. ****day?

    Sunday 23rd would be a go'er for me, just chucking it out there!
  27. N

    Sj's bg 182 + new engine cover (contains vee also)

    Re: Sj's bg 182 + new engine cover thanks to AUTOCRASH (contains vee also) See before my dad bought a new smart diesel I told him it was the worse car I could think of, maybe I should tell him I absolutely hate Vee's and think smart cars are awesome!
  28. N

    LY Clio V6

    I can never get enough of the LY Vee, looks fantastic!