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  1. N

    The Pre and Post Photoshop thread....

    Im interested in the thread but don't have any photoshop skill! :)
  2. N

    Nurburgring + Europe in the Trophy [Pic heavy]

    Looks like a good trip :)
  3. N

    How not to lower your car

    Oh my word...
  4. N

    my small black gold 182 :D

    Looking great, and great choice of mods :)
  5. N

    Carphone Warehouse / Phonehouse / Best Buy Mobile

    I don't tend to use any of them, all my phones have been purchased Via o2 for me, I see what deals other providers are offering, threaten to leave o2 and they always beat the best deal I can find!
  6. N

    Virgin media customers - What are you doing about the F1 this year ?

    Im doing my nut in over the whole thing as I dont have sky or virgin full stop as I never get the chance to really sit down and watch TV. So the cheapest I have found is basic sky with the HD package but its about £330 for the year! Just to watch F1 every other week! The other option is Sky go...
  7. N


    Thats horrific, sorry to hear that mate :(
  8. N

    Alarm on ebay with remote start £30 lol???

    It was hysterical at the time and for many months after! Its just not something you really see everyday!
  9. N

    Alarm on ebay with remote start £30 lol???

    I remember my friends brother had this on an old pulsar. We were out on his drive working on his saxo when all of a sudden the car started jerking and slowly moving towards the house until it actually hit into the house! His brother had left it in gear and was sat on his keys in the front room...
  10. N


    Haha love it, I have been caught out by a van before and found it quite hilarious!
  11. N

    BG 182 after a wash and tidy up

    looks very tidy mate, puts mine to shame!
  12. N

    Dodgy itunes invoice

    Really? Would you mind telling me how as I did try myself to see if I could get beyond the fake mail and couldn't find a way?
  13. N

    Dodgy itunes invoice

    Probably the address apple send there invoices from! Its relatively easy to send someone an email and have it look like it came from any email you want! Theres even an app for it, if you jail break your iPhone!
  14. N

    Twingo 133 Cup

    Looks fun!
  15. N

    SX Bodykit

    Try West Renaults?
  16. N

    Bagged Lambo on HRE's

    +1 Quite irritating too lol
  17. N

    Zaino Enhancement Detail - 750BHP Nissan GTR

    Fantastic write up and a fantastic car. Love them!
  18. N

    Abarth is no more, bring on ze Germans.

    When I used to finance a couple of cars I saw it like a service I was paying for. Or like rent I suppose. Pay x amount a month for my warranted transport, you have nothing at the end however with the present you have a car that you dont have to worry about, anything goes wrong its covered etc...
  19. N

    Why do you love your Clio RenaultSport?

    I paid £3800 on insurance on my first 182 when I was 18 which was bad enough! Amazing how as you get older your priorities change dramatically, there is no way on earth I would pay over £500 on insurance for any car any more!
  20. N

    some opinions on these alloys!!

    Keep your 172 wheels!