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Ticket Systems - IT Helpdesk

Hi all,

I'm currently working on a project for a new ticketing system. I was just wondering what systems you guys use in your workplace?


We're looking for a system where the customer can log their tickets via their smartphones and tablets. As well as the IT Helpdesk. I've seen something called Zendesk which looks ok at first glance.

My current employer uses Service Center but are migrating over to Service Now. The director of my new job has asked me to come to him on my first day with a presentation of a new system that I would reccommend!


ClioSport Club Member
  Sprint/climb 106 gti
We use a system at work (secondary school) called Librium, nice and easy system quite dated but works a treat.
We are going to move to HEAT for political reasons. Can't even remember the name of our current one haha I only look at it every day...
  306 GTI-6
We use either EARS or ITSM.

Ears was originally called ARS, beforw someone thought they should E for extended (extended action request system)


ClioSport Club Member
Things I've used in the past:

QSM - Was alright to use although I preferred the older version

Service Now - I liked this, wasn't too complicated, it's hosted nature means running the actual system was someone else's problem :) Chap I know who is very prevalent in the security world recently did a spot of work for them which to me boosts their reputation knowing him and the projects he chooses to work on.

Remedy - Meh, seemed to be overly complex and long winded to use, seemed more suited to complex change management

Current place uses something labelled up as Maximo, no idea if that's it's public product name or if it's branded Tivoli something or other, seems to be pretty similar to Remedy to be honest more geared around change management.

Wife's place uses Heat, she's done some of the admin and reporting courses but no idea how good or bad it is.

realnumber 1

ClioSport Club Member
I used to work in a place that used HEAT 9 years ago and I found it good then.
The place I work at now did use Sunrise which seemed okay and now we use one called Cherwell which again is okay.

Tbh most of them are only as good as the people setting them up...


ClioSport Club Member
  Honda S2000, C63
IBM Maximo, previously Peregrine Service Center and BMC Remedy.


ClioSport Club Member
  Honda S2000, C63
Current place uses something labelled up as Maximo, no idea if that's it's public product name or if it's branded Tivoli something or other, seems to be pretty similar to Remedy to be honest more geared around change management.

IBM Maximo mate, part of the Tivoli framework/product suite alongside Tivoli Workload Scheduler (TWS) etc.

Complex and clunky IMO.


ClioSport Club Member
IBM Maximo mate, part of the Tivoli framework/product suite alongside Tivoli Workload Scheduler (TWS) etc.

Complex and clunky IMO.

Wasnt sure if it was a product we sold/branded as us or if it was just used internally.

Christ we get people pay for it? :)
You've never seen clunky until you've had to use hp Openview

We had this on most of our servers. Literately took all available memory bringing our servers to a stand still. We now use a tool called PRTG which is very powerful.

Thanks everyone for your suggestions. Looks like I'm going to have to do a fair bit of research into all these products!


ClioSport Club Member
We had this on most of our servers. Literately took all available memory bringing our servers to a stand still. We now use a tool called PRTG which is very powerful.

Thanks everyone for your suggestions. Looks like I'm going to have to do a fair bit of research into all these products!

We were using Openview as a ticketing system!

We use PRTG for network monitoring bits n pieces, and Solarwinds for everything else.
Use Zendesk at the moment - great for a budget 'catch all' system but is far from great. Outsourcing the service desk now so using their bespoke app.
  Jap Box
If you want people to submit tickets via smart phones etc have you looked into onlibne support suites? Assuming you want them to purely write something down to you and not call etc? Ive used a few but cant for the life of me remember their names, il login to my cpanel later and check them for you if no ones brough them up by then.
I've used Clarify, very dated... Salesforce, quite good, web based with a highly configurable portal for end users.

I am currently using Supportworks which is ok, but a number of areas need improvement.
  German V6
We use a webbased program called Magic poorly put together and old not sure if anyone else uses it ? I work for the NHS
  E39 530i
I've used spiceworks alot in the past and still an active member on their forums. Thinking about Spiceworks as replacement ticketing system for my new company , but osticket sounds good.
