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Search results

  1. N

    Cracked iPad 2 screen

    When I replaced the screen on my iphone 3, I originally purchased just the screen and it was a nightmare. I then purchased the screen with digitaliser which I believe is the touch screen part etc as one assembly. This made the change a lot easier. I would imagine it will be the same with an iPad?
  2. N

    Somerset Mini Meet - Frome

    What is with this Friday and work events? There has been quite a few people that couldn't make it due to a work night out, I have just come in today to find our workplace has organised a night out for this friday too. I however am doing the right thing and putting CS first lol :D
  3. N

    Who, Where & What - South West!

    As above, we aren't going to be in any hurry :)
  4. N

    Somerset Mini Meet - Frome

    Forecast shows showers :( But they are usually wrong so fingers crossed :)
  5. N

    Somerset Mini Meet - Frome

    1.) Nick 'NFox' 2.) Chip 3.) Lesley (might have to meet us at the pub if she is on a late) 4.) Shifty 5.) Tony172 6.) Stotter34 7.) Possibly Griff88
  6. N

    Somerset Mini Meet - Frome

    That is true, worse case scenario we have to wait 30 minutes for a table. They have a lot of seating so should be ok (famous last words)!
  7. N

    Somerset Mini Meet - Frome

    I can always give them a call weds when we are a bit clearer on numbers and book a table :)
  8. N

    Nurburgring trip 30th June - 7th July

    Not sure I am going to make the ring this year but if I do it will be later in the year and probably a long weekend!
  9. N

    Somerset Mini Meet - Frome

    Do you taunton guys want to meet me somewhere you know in shepton then drive down to wells together?
  10. N

    Somerset Mini Meet - Frome

    I think in the market square bit, as you turn in to wells highstreet, turn left as the road sweeps round to the right to go down the highstreet itself if that makes sense? Outside of Ask/the crown pub etc.
  11. N

    Somerset Mini Meet - Frome

    So everyone still up for this? :)
  12. N

    Flamer Shepton Mallet this morning

    Passed you at the traffic lights by whitstones fish and chip shop on route to work!
  13. N

    Windsor Fly Past - Queens Jubilee

    Loving those photos :)
  14. N

    May Photography Competition - Voting Thread

    19 for me, not sure what it is about the picture but I love it!
  15. N

    RB + AB 182 Radstock/westfield

    Passed a RB1*2 who was just coming in to radstock from westfield last night about 7/7.30pm and then I had a AB 1*2 behind me today coming out of westfield at 5.30ish who headed towards chilcompton. Anyone on here?
  16. N

    So who does the cheapest NGK-R PFR6E-10's?

    You can normally get at least 25% off of eurocar parts if you search for a discount code which brings them down to £45?
  17. N

    BMW 1M - Vinyl Correction and Protection Top Up - Auto Finesse Desire!

    As awesome as ever, man I love that car!
  18. N

    The Pirate Bay blocked by BT ?

    As per my previous post I believe it was due to the DDoS attack!
  19. N

    Weston super-mare this saturday

    What a bugger Im in london this weekend, I would have been well up for this, haven't seen Chris in ages either!
  20. N

    James's Blue Ph2

    Re: My 5-door dCi project Not a huge fan of the wheels but otherwise looking good imo :)
  21. N

    The Pirate Bay blocked by BT ?

    I think it is to do with: ?
  22. N

    am i crazy? wing mirrors.

    If by 'am I crazy' you are referring to the fact you are thinking of buying such items, then yes. Yes you are :)
  23. N

    My Dynamique [Image Heavy]

    Everyone has summed up what needs to be done, this has potential to be a really nice looking car :)
  24. N

    Shifty.'s Inferno cup. (pic heavy)

    Looking really good, agree on the plates though need some plain ones. Yes fancy plates will do you legal sized plain plates :)
  25. N

    First pics with DSLR!

    Looking good mate, I really quite like the very last shot you posted :)
  26. N

    Technical Grey V6

    That looks simply fantastic, what a colour!
  27. N

    PC'd BG 182

    Looks epic mate, god I do love bg when its clean :D
  28. N

    ...Just bought a BG182 FF Has a Cliosport Tax Disc Holder...

    Re: ...Just bought BG182 FF Has a Cliosport Tax Disc Holder... Thats no excuse :P Haha maybe next time then!
  29. N

    ...Just bought a BG182 FF Has a Cliosport Tax Disc Holder...

    Re: ...Just bought BG182 FF Has a Cliosport Tax Disc Holder... Sounds good, get yourself to our next meet in Wells too 1st June :)
  30. N

    BG 182 - The story so far!

    Forgot to update the project log: Fitted wind deflectors Fitted Fabia splitter Fitted Rear Carpet Fitted Brembo HC Discs/New Brembo sports pads Fitted new OEM rear discs and pads Next up: Awaiting type R ariel to replace the tiny one on there atm. Soon to be receiving my RS Tuner...