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Search results

  1. N

    Rude boy exhaust for me..

    Just looked at mine and I have a hole of aproximately 2" by 1.5" Is exhaust gum really going to work on a hole that big?
  2. N

    Domain name values

    5 figure for that? Haha, what planet is he on?!
  3. N

    Rude boy exhaust for me..

    Well I had an interesting drive home thats for sure, thought it would be rude not to give it a bit a welly on the dual carriageway an my word what a sound! Going to go have a look in a second to see if I can see where it has given up and Im really dreading the drive to work!
  4. N

    Clio Sport's What Petrol do you run?

    If you type your question in to the search box you will get loads of results that should help! I however am currently using Shell V-Power.
  5. N

    Domain name values

    Its quite hard to say without knowing what it is and the purpose it would serve for you. It comes down to what its worth to you! If its gong to be too high, I personally would be thinking about changing it slightly as domains are generally pittance these days!
  6. N

    Best polish/wax to use

    Depends how much you are willing to spend and how much time your willing to give really. In terms of easy to use, reasonably priced products you cant go wrong with autoglym super resin polish and then some r222 carnuba wax. But you have asked a very open question and theres so many routes you...
  7. N

    Scum Bags Have Hit An All Time Low!

    Love how they had the decency to leave the bulb and remove it without scratching the paintwork! I mean really, what is that worth to them?! Unless its a mate having a laugh? I had all 4 dust caps stolen once whilst at work, I was absolutely livid that someone could be so sad. 2 days later I...
  8. N

    Rude boy exhaust for me..

    Yet to see how bad it actually is, will get under the car tomorrow morning and if not to bad I will go down the gum route!
  9. N

    Rude boy exhaust for me..

    I actually LOL'd at the fighter jet remark :D Hadn't thought about the neighbours, only recently moved in too. Nothing like first impressions!! Haha, going to have paracetamol on hand in the thing until its fixed! It's not as if you can avoid the noise in anyway shape or form either!!
  10. N

    Rude boy exhaust for me..

    The look on peoples faces as I was driving passed, you could literally see them summing me up as 'one of them'. Got a 20 mile drive home from work which I am not looking forward to!
  11. N

    Rude boy exhaust for me..

    On my way to work today I hit a pot hole and..... well, what a horrific noise my car is now making! I cant believe how loud it is, its setting off car alarms and its soo embarrassing! Not able to do anything about it until the weekend either. Anyone else been caught out by the crappy exhaust to...
  12. N

    Updates to my 106 GTI

    Looks like a very well kept example, good luck with the sale.
  13. N

    my subtle clio !

    Love what you have done with the bay!
  14. N

    2200 miles and its going into the dealership already!

    Not good at all :(
  15. N

    headlight upgrade
  16. N

    My White 1.2 172 Replica!

    Wow you have done a fantastic job with this, not normally a fan of ph1's but this looks great :)
  17. N

    Enhancement Detail - 380bhp Ford Sierra Cossie

    Fantastic work :)
  18. N

    my new weekend toy!!! :)

    Looking tidy :)
  19. N

    Second attempt at light painting!

    Really like the last one, great work and as mentioned definitely an improvement over the last bunch!
  20. N

    Out with the old.. In with the old.

    Looking good mate, love BG cleaned up! :)
  21. N

    Wow! what a colour.

    Awesome cars :)
  22. N

    Has anyone done this mod before? Pictures inside.

    If you don't look at your dash when changing gear, how would having it rotated 90 degrees counter clockwise help you 'shift'?
  23. N

    Car Insurance

    Or if he has an accident that requires him to pay the excess!
  24. N

    Next south west meet?

    You can go further southwest than Bristol?! :o
  25. N

    My BlackGold 182 slow progression (pic heavy)

    Looking good mate! Still undecided about what to do with my grills. Might just c4 them first!
  26. N

    Bugatti Veyron Bodykit.

    You can barely tell the difference LOL!
  27. N

    Imagine a F1 rear wing on a clio.......omg!!

    Not even the title prepared me for this! Ok I get some people like to go against the grain and be 'different' but seriously? What would posses anyone to do that?!
  28. N

    Krispy Kreme - Bristol Sunday 4th March 7pm

    "no faith?"
  29. N

    New 182 and already a bad experience started

    As mentioned you don't have to give it back but if he becomes non co-operative put it on the table and he is more likely to do something about it.