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  1. N

    finishing touches to the white 172 :)

    That is pretty gorgeous indeed!
  2. N

    BT Openreach socket help

    Fair enough, the home hub at my mums house is fantastic. Well at least a lot better than my Sky router which is a complete waste of space!
  3. N

    BT Openreach socket help

    Again have you tried playing with the wireless channels etc? People under estimate how much of an effect it has.
  4. N

    BT Openreach socket help

    The BT home hubs are generally pretty good in terms of wireless range, have you gone through the wireless settings with BT? Changing the wireless channels etc? But as I mentioned above look in to home plugs and you will see it is an ideal solution for your issue!
  5. N

    BT Openreach socket help

    The reason is most likely down to the wiring cotball. Basically the phone signal is rarely affected by any defective wiring and what not due to the frequency of the signal. Now although the dsl and voice signal travel on the same line, the broadband signal is of a much higher frequency and thus...
  6. N

    Just purchased a 182

    Thank you! Really? I was caught up between AB RB and BG but this one came up quite locally and was able to seal a pretty decent deal! Not looking forward to keeping it clean though, black is always a nightmare!
  7. N

    Just purchased a 182

    Thank you Montana :)
  8. N

    finally got my cliosport :)

    Looks very tidy :)
  9. N

    Just purchased a 182

    Hi all, I thought I better re-enroll to the forum after purchasing another 182 yesterday. I had one about 4/5 years ago but since had a few other cars due to my situation forever changing! Most recently I had a Fabia VRS which I cant stress enough what a good all round car it is! Having moved...
  10. N

    Just purchased a Clio 182

    Hi everyone! Well I pick up my 182 later on today so thought I'd best get re-enroleld for the forum! I used to be a member here many years ago when I had my first 182 but that was a good 4/5 years ago. I have since owned a couple of other cars to just get me around including most recently a...