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Search results

  1. N

    Bored with a Canon 5D Mark 2 (pic heavy)

    Looks good mate, have you tried messing with the video on the mk 2?
  2. N

    Aero Wipers

    Get some bosch aerotwins, pay a bit more but they are fantastic! My biggest pet hate is crappy wipers!
  3. N

    wheel refurb colour opinions

    I think you have pretty much already decided on gun metal so go with that! :D
  4. N

    Snowy Nordschleife

    Looks great fun, pretty confident I would end up in the barrier though :D
  5. N

    my rs182 blue racing

    Looks great, need some photos of the seats fitted :)
  6. N

    iPhones 4s dying!

    Well back to apple firmware and its running fine again! Thinking of actually selling it though as I dont really need it. Having said that I've said the same with every iPhone then I get rid of it and miss it just for the simple things!
  7. N

    iPhones 4s dying!

    You can Jonny! Been available now for just over a week. Lookup absinthe :)
  8. N

    iPhones 4s dying!

    To be honest there was no real functionality I was lacking. I just like trying things out, broadens my understanding etc. I am going to go ahead and reinstall ios 5 this weekend. I just dont like not understanding why it has suddenly had an impact, the fact it was as good if not better for over...
  9. N

    iPhones 4s dying!

    I will give the battery app a go! Haha or someone has hacked my phone and monitoring my everymove :D There is a lot of cool features by jailbreaking for sure but once you get over the fad its liek anything, you dont tend to use any of it!
  10. N

    iPhones 4s dying!

    Jailbroke my iPhone just over a week ago and its been running absolutely fine. However the last 24 hours the battery has suddenly become a nightmare! Draining about 25% an hour on the lowest brightness, data disabled etc! Now I didnt install anything in the last 48 hours at all or change any...
  11. N

    Hate speedbumps?

    I just dont see the fascination in having a car so low, but each to their own I guess!
  12. N

    Crashed Vee on Tranent High Street

    ouch! How gutting :(
  13. N

    South West Rolling Road at K-tec Racing: 21st January

    Looks great! :D
  14. N

    South West Rolling Road at K-tec Racing: 21st January

    That brought a tear to my eye Will!! :D Wheres the pictures from the day too?
  15. N

    let us see pictures of your old cars you owned

    Re: let us see pictures off your old cars you owned Fabia VRS: C2, horrendous thing: First 182: Saxo:
  16. N

    How do the standard 182's sound and which is the best exhaust ?

    What sort of labour are you looking at for the janspeed Danny?
  17. N

    South West Rolling Road at K-tec Racing: 21st January

    I believe thats where its going Luke through Law! Haha any extra power/torque always welcome! :D
  18. N

    South West Rolling Road at K-tec Racing: 21st January

    Yeah defo! Bit skint atm as putting all my money asides for the dreaded belts etc next month but once thats all done we will have to arrange something!
  19. N

    Newbie- DC5 to 182?!

    Welcome to the club, always had a massive soft spot for DC5s!
  20. N

    South West Rolling Road at K-tec Racing: 21st January

    Ahh I was wondering where you had all been! Passed a few of you in Timsbury I presume on your way back :)
  21. N

    Nurburgring trip

    Might be worth looking at :)
  22. N

    New to detailing

    I don't think it was..
  23. N

    I feel cheated/robbed - Sky Broadband!

    Yeah apologies for the random percentages, just trying to give a basic understanding. I should note that all percentages are not accurate but I hope it helped anyone unsure understand :) This is very true, another thing to note is a lot of new build properties have a lot of issues when it...
  24. N

    I feel cheated/robbed - Sky Broadband!

    I can confirm this is not true. Sky aim to give customers the most the line can handle in its current condition. They use a dynamic line management tool which is designed to test the line over the first 10 days and then basically will automatically kick in when it sees there is an issue with the...
  25. N

    ABS, ESP and SERV Light on

    I too have this problem with just the ESP and SERV light on. I have searched this forum up and down but can only find threads with the ESP, SERV and ABS light on :(
  26. N

    My 2011 Motorsport Season Highlights (quite pic heavy!)

    Phenomenal shots!
  27. N

    (PIC HEAVY) Silverstone 27/11/11

    Looks like you had great fun :) Cant wait to get mine on track!