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If you only bought it 3 days ago, you are able to hand the car back to the dealer for a full refund if he doesnt comply. Due to it being not as described, in this case dangerous with the brakes etc. I suggest you have a look in to your rights online.
Ouch, a few people have hit the nail on the head though. For someone who has just bought a new car and needed a new wheel. Never been part of a car forum, went to Renault been quoted x amount then they check ebay to find that!
Someone offered him £150 collected and he refused too!
I always make a point of trying to apply direct to the company itself. In the past when I used to go through agencies I was never happy with the job itself as they are in fact selling the job to you as such. My most recent position in IT was advertised at an agency, I then applied to the company...
Re: Krispy Kreme - Bristol Saturday 3rd March 7pm
Well I can do Mon-thurs before or mon-sun after lol! I might be able to get back Sunday in time but it will be hit or miss!
If you go to a site such as and select your car it will show you which bulbs you need etc :) Also check out the discount section ;)
I never had this with Bell when I had some inconsiderate being chuck a stone through the rear window of my c2 a few years back! I paid the £50 excess and they covered the rest and there was nothing more about it on my renewal etc?
Have you tried getting upto speed and clicking the other 3 buttons as well? Also does the speed limiter work? Are you able to change the limited speed with the +/- buttons?
First thing I would do is delete any programs/files I dont need then go in to the disk utility and erase free space. Maybe do a 7 pass delete and leave it over night to complete as it can take hours!