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Search results

  1. cava83

    Mac Mini Q's / help (Rich??)

    Mac Pro's are really expensive though :) lovely, I would love one. My MBP has the 256 ATI card and it's a beast, just got the 1GB stick delivered today and should be even better.
  2. cava83

    Isync to contacts in Windows outlook ?

    lol just my luck, bloody nokias :)
  3. cava83

    Isync to contacts in Windows outlook ?

    which book programme did you use? It is pants, such a simple task, and nokia suite was s**t on the PC, mac did it perfectly, so quickly, now need to bring it back to microsoft and its s**t.
  4. cava83

    Isync to contacts in Windows outlook ?

    How do you guys go about it. I have sync'd up the phone, all excellent, contacts show beatifully in the mac, I have exported it all fine, if I import it back all the data is there. Now when I import this into outlook, (windows) it only displays the first contact !!! However when you view it...
  5. cava83

    Cheap Trophy £7K so far....

    No feedback, no info about previous owners?
  6. cava83

    My latest website

    :rasp: :rasp: :rasp: it's rubbish I hate the website :rasp: :rasp: :rasp: :rasp: very, very jelouse !!!!!!!!!!
  7. cava83

    Does this site present ok in everyones browsers?

    Looks awful, I have added a screen grab...
  8. cava83

    website quote

    Interesting and thanks for getting back to me. A proposal was done and questionnaire too :) Just thought I would find out how you guys go about it, really appreciate your time. Thanks, Gabi.
  9. cava83

    website quote

    Reply to my PM about the camera you lazy git ! :rasp:
  10. cava83

    website quote

    Simple CSS brochure website, 12 pages, aimed for mums and the younger Audience. Client has made around 15 basic text changes and some image changes from the original proposal. 1 years hosting (not email) How much would you quote them, this is personal and not a business quote. Thanks.
  11. cava83


    Bargain, I will be purchasing that then !!!
  12. cava83


    Just been looking at it, need to buy the 1gb ram too, but scan will only delivery to home and not my work. How much is leopard going to be in the uk ? yum yum
  13. cava83

    leopard want it
  14. cava83

    Anyone done an MCSE Boot Camp?

    My job would not pay for a single exam !
  15. cava83

    Just bought myself a Wacom tablet

    interesting, what is it like for drawing and general design ?
  16. cava83

    1GB corsair apple memory back in stock !!!

    I am trying to decide to buy it or not :S Some people say both sticks should be same make, same type, some don't I want it though :)
  17. cava83

    How much should I pay for XBOX 360?

    £230 from Dabs too. Wireless remote, head set, hard drive and good cables :)
  18. cava83

    1GB corsair apple memory back in stock !!! Will be handy
  19. cava83

    Nokia 8600

    I have had the 8800 and the scirocco, this one seems the same :) just cheaper
  20. cava83

    I need to pick one up

    I cannot believe you are stealing all your work files mate !!! That's well harsh............................. :eek: :p Ah I go that direction all the time, go to Maidenhead frequently, lovely, beautiful M4 !!!! :)
  21. cava83

    I need to pick one up

    why do you need it today. ? Order it through ebuyer, use google accounts, save £10 on the order and if you add another thing you might need from there, you will get free delivery (must be greater than £89.99) woooooooooooooop Samsung spin point drives are the daddies :)
  22. cava83

    I need to pick one up

    maxtor ? ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Lacie buddy are excellent , very very good. I have used many maxtor drives and we have a lot of issues with them unfortunately, mind you, might just be this company. ! Handy devices though. :)
  23. cava83

    Sex wee! (new MBP's)

    yer it's just an upgrade, nothing more. Mine works fine, just hot. Lovely, got it for £750 though so what a bargain ;)
  24. cava83

    Sex wee! (new MBP's)

    I've got the first MBP with core duo. Wonder if this one heats up as much. ? Mine gets way too hot and also does some funny noises.
  25. cava83

    just ordered my nokia 8600 soooooo excited!

    I know, went to CPW just specially to look at it :) Such a nice looking fone, virtually the same as the 8800 !!!! woooooooooooooooooooop Let me know how you get on as I might get one
  26. cava83

    Sex wee! (new MBP's)

    f**k, mine is 2 models behind now ! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Nice, looks pretty much the same, spec is much better. Wonder what the screens are like, I think I should have got the glossy screen.
  27. cava83

    Xbox 360 - worth waiting for an Elite?

    they have different motherboards and CD/DVD drives, so should be quieter, hopefully. HDMI mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  28. cava83

    Xbox 360 - worth waiting for an Elite?

    I hope they are quieter, that's for sure. :) I would wait until it comes out and buy the normal ones as hopefully they should go down in price quite a lot.
  29. cava83

    Adobe live 2007

    I would love to, but cannot take time off. !