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It is very hard working here, I assure you that. 12 months, so I have lasted a lot longer than I thought I would and for first full time IT job it has brought me a lot of experience, but ......................................
Normal text pages :(
Thanks for replying, thought I was being mad.
Work does not like using FF, it is banned throughout the group and they say it has more security flaws than IE7.
They also hate macs.............
Anyhow, it is well annoying, as I open new tabs all the time, and loose all...
It's happening a lot recently, so annoying that I re-installed it but the same issue.
Normally occurs when I do a new tab just as it loads the page, other times is just random.
I have to use IE7 for testing.
Could do.
The problem here is that my knowledge in ASP is not too good, and this is a pain in the bum.
Ariba send a PunchOutSetupRequest to testShop
testShop sends a receivePunchoutSetupRequest to Ariba
Ariba opens a new framed page, with testShop on bottom frame.
I need to extract some information from and XML file, that information needs to be stored as variables somewhere in the shopping cart and then the person goes to proceed checkout them variables are grabbed again and sent off.
Any ideas?
my 43" looks small now :( it's only a couple of weeks that it feels big, then it will be normal :)
The only problem is that it's only with the gadgets that I buy which I can choose what size I get, stupid parents left me stuck with a small one :rasp:
But the resolution will be low unless you go for the X series sony's which are 1920 x 1050 which ideally should be 1920 x 1200
Dediated monitors for comp is best if you wish to work on it, if it is simply hooking your TV to your comp to watch DVD's then it will be fine*
Where the main block is, next to the cable where it outputs, there is an optical output there :)
And I know for sure this product definately has it .
That should help you out :)
Sorry not too sure how the 360 is like as a media extender.
Does tversity use the built in libraries or does it have different ones?
Hard to set up?
Got a 43" pioneer :s should look nice.