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Search results

  1. cava83

    IT Support Role

    Well, I am good with people, don't get angry like McBunny here, but my IT skills are limited, not because I cannot do the stuff, but because the other IT guys here find it hard with clients, so I end up speaking to them and making sure all is good, do all the purchasing and stuff like that, but...
  2. cava83

    IT Support Role

    Well, fair enough, but you have got some fat experience. ! I went to uni and wish I did what you had done instead, but then I would most likely be sick and tired like you :) IT is an over saturated market and most of the people are geeks and sooooooooooooooooooo clever! Which makes it bloody...
  3. cava83

    IT Support Role

    don't be so negative ! :rasp:
  4. cava83

    Good place for covers used them before, excellent customer service. Thanks, G.
  5. cava83

    IT Support Role

    Any jobs going? I need to improve my knowledge as I feel I am slightly limited here.
  6. cava83

    Mac Parts?

    back of the panel you will have the model number. From there you can do a search on google. As stated normally LG and some were Hitachi I think. :) All the best
  7. cava83

    After an IT Technician...any one after a job?

    People have to start somewhere.
  8. cava83

    Sat Nav P.O.I.'s

    there are so many places you can go to mallorca to check out, all depends what you want. Where you going?
  9. cava83

    PCMCIA Grahics Card?

    The graphics cards on most - (please note not all) are actually built on the motherboard, all in one unit. Does your laptop not cover the minimum requirements or is it simply that it is too slow, if so, the usual thing to do is increase the RAM and tweak some settings. Many thanks.
  10. cava83

    Microsoft Access Database.

    Should not be a nightmare, find out where you have stored it, drag and drop, it is the same thing as any other file really. :) Let us know how you get on. Obviously if you have cross referenced images and so on, you will need to copy them too :)
  11. cava83

    Dual Screen

    that's one messy desk !! I would not mind using a 32" as a second monitor, but I just find the resolution is defo not good enough! Tried a 30" mac screen, amazing but got neck ache. Dual 20" 4:3 for me, but they are £369 a pop for the ultrasharp ones!
  12. cava83

    Dual Screen

    2 x 20 Widescreen or non widescreen? I prefer widescreen for movies but not for computing? Anyone feel the same, specially for web design and other aspects.
  13. cava83

    Dual Screen

    As Dan says. Dual is the way forward, I have 2 x 19" ones at work, and it is so helpful. I really did want a 24" for home, dell, however, I might just get the 2 x 19's or 20.1 ultrasharps. I use a macbook pro, so will need an extra gadget to use both screens.
  14. cava83

    Best FTP Client.

    WS FTP Filezilla
  15. cava83

    ITunes and windows vista

    Running as admin normally resolves the issues, could be that the file you installed is corrupt, have you removed it and re-installed it, downloading a new file though?
  16. cava83

    ITunes and windows vista

    Use a mac instead
  17. cava83


    do a hard reset, hold down the reset button for around 7 seconds. Tiny little grey button.
  18. cava83

    drop down CSS styling

    Right, does anyone know any easy ways on how to increase the size of the drop down box (width) only when the selection is shown? Thanks, g.
  19. cava83

    Setting up your own web server

    coolio, if you have any questions, just ask. You should be ok now :)
  20. cava83

    Setting up your own web server

    Basically this is what happens. A domain for instance; requires name servers, the name servers would be like so: The name servers would then have the information regarding your domain, such information would be your WWW alias, your MX records...
  21. cava83

    32" HD TV, How much we talking for a decent one?

    I have the 43" pioneer, your 50" must have cost you an arm and a leg!
  22. cava83

    Microsoft Server 2008 Enterprise

    Issues at hand, supposed to be installing this within the next couple of days. Some excellent features.
  23. cava83


    VGA will support the full 1080p, if there were more available, it could do them too! :) Projector mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm lucky guy :)
  24. cava83

    SKY + telephone

    yer, I mean why the feck would you want to re-connect for that price. SKY can refund you the fee for re-connecting to BT by reducing your monthly line rental, but it means you still have to fork out on it from the beginning. So charges are as follows. £99 sky+ box £124 Reconnecting to BT...
  25. cava83

    SKY + telephone

    I see. I hope I have the LLU, as really could do with the cheaper version. This is going to be expensive. Just seen HD boxes for £160 on fleebay. Yum
  26. cava83

    SKY + telephone

    Right, I think I will get SKY after researching on here people's opinions. Anyone know of any good deals apart from the ones on their website? I will also want sky broadband, so the £26pm deal will be excellent. The house has BT and cable and wireless sockets but BT are trying to charge...
  27. cava83

    Adobe CS3

    why did you get them through adobe directly ? Good find regarding delay
  28. cava83

    free google sitemap generator

    thank you very much, yes had a look and used them before, just wondered if anyone had used other crazy sw, thanks for your time. :)
  29. cava83

    free google sitemap generator

    Any ideas?