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  1. cava83

    Help from a flash wiz please....

    sorry I meant can you attach your FLA that loads all your SWF's then I will tell you how to do it :)
  2. cava83

    Help from a flash wiz please....

    Attach your SWF file so I know which syntax you are using :) Just do a good search for loading external SWF files :) Why don't u do it with a normal placeholder page and some CSS?
  3. cava83

    Help from a flash wiz please....

    When you mean a series of pages you mean SWF's ? Sorry just trying to understand how you have done it. Also are you using levels and is it AS2?
  4. cava83

    Catch all on Microsoft DNS servers

    It's annoying me now. Easiest way to do it? For example. if you type in WWW.EXAMPLE.COM will work as it has a WWW record, If you just type EXAMPLE.COm it will not resolve. Normally you would need same as host record pointing to the location. Any ideas?
  5. cava83

    VB/ASP question, probably easy for a geek Maybe that :) Soz, have a think, I am sure it will come to you shortly :) Post the answer for others though, comes in handy for when people do searches on here for answers
  6. cava83

    VB/ASP question, probably easy for a geek

    call the function when you submit the form ? :) that's one way of doing it :)
  7. cava83

    Help from a flash wiz please....

    tell me what you need
  8. cava83

    VB/ASP question, probably easy for a geek

    Write a function and call it..........
  9. cava83

    cracking 24" Acer screen - bargain

    What a price.
  10. cava83

    HD through Virgin Media box?

    how you finding virgin?
  11. cava83

    Entourage 2004 problem

    did it do the trick?
  12. cava83

    Another Mac question

    :rasp: Shut it
  13. cava83

    Entourage 2004 problem something like this?
  14. cava83

    Macbook Vs Philips X59: About to purchase.

    Same and I agree. :)
  15. cava83

    motion sensor security camera - ideas?

    What we use at work, good stuff.
  16. cava83

    motion sensor security camera - ideas?

    that's a nice little camera, what are the outputs on it, basically would need to network it up so we can view the feed over the WAN. Could get one for home too ! What hardware capture card are you using? Thanks.
  17. cava83

    motion sensor security camera - ideas?

    looks like a great product, what camera are you using though? Linux, no problem, will use virtual PC or similar to run it.
  18. cava83

    motion sensor security camera - ideas?

    Need a couple for the server room, need to be able to network them, will be indoors, motion sensor would be ideal. Been looking at axis, don't need a top notch one, just one that works ok with the motion sensor and the s/w is not rubbish. Thanks for your help, Gabi
  19. cava83

    Anyone got anything for breaking PST passwords?

    Welcome, there are ways that you can do it so it does not work with that one......... but likely hood of a normal user knowing it, unlikely. All the best :)
  20. cava83

    Anyone got anything for breaking PST passwords?

    the program you need is PstPassword, it is really good and use it frequently. You should be able to get it from here Let me know how you get on.
  21. cava83

    Download for MSN / Windows Messenger

    Can do. Office communicator is excellent, i use it here at work with my colleagues and some other offices. Good kit.
  22. cava83

    What would you do? Scratches on new tv...

    take it back
  23. cava83

    Download for MSN / Windows Messenger

    They've prob blocked the possible ports. :D
  24. cava83

    Post your latest background!

    Vista with the mac theme?
  25. cava83

    Forwarding hotmail..Possible?

    used to be free. You have to pay now !!!!!
  26. cava83

    howe many processes should i have running?

    explorer.exe you don't need that one :rasp: :rasp: :rasp:
  27. cava83

    IT Support Role

    don't do the HND, i did that, did not learn much. CCNA is where it is at, trust me !
  28. cava83

    IT Support Role

    Buddy, I have an HND in Computing and a BSC with Honors in Computing, I would go for the CCNA!!! That without a doubt is the one to do. If you find a college near London towards kingston or so, I will do the course with you!!
  29. cava83

    IT Support Role

    Dair, CCNA mate, that will be excellent for you!
  30. cava83

    IT Support Role

    Yer, now reply to my pm's, want the money back young man!