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  1. cava83


    I will be acquiring US version PS3's in the new year. Will provide prices and pics to show that it is authentic. :)
  2. cava83

    wii games?

    OOOOOps !!!!! Its xmas, give me a break !!
  3. cava83

    Wii graphics on plasma screen !

    ps2 call of duty looks well good. However the Wii sport games look a bit blocky on the plasma screen, does anyone else have this issue? I am also very worried of getting screen burn. I have screen burn prevention turned on, but i have a pioneer and it worries me somewhat. Thanks
  4. cava83

    wii games?

    I bought a wii to sell it on, but decided to keep it as it was so much fun !!!!!!!!!!! Dunno what to get next, zelda i think. I will also need an extra controller and numb chuck.
  5. cava83

    Updated my Tom Tom One

    where do you get the voices from ? And how do you submit cameras?
  6. cava83

    big problem with itunes............

    lol without a doubt. Mind you I still find my pc easier to use than my mac :S
  7. cava83

    big problem with itunes............

    repair install mate. Is this on a mac or pc?
  8. cava83

    NINTENDO WII coming my way !!!

    Thats wicked, I am trying to get some more, going to send them to my nephews in Spain as my bro cant get any before Crimbo :):clown:
  9. cava83

    NINTENDO WII coming my way !!!

    Went it on Sat to woolies to get a WII, said they had none in stock, obviously. Put my name on the list and I have one reserved for me today !!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP !!
  10. cava83

    Purely Gadgets
  11. cava83

    Want a Wii

    Tight git ! ur making money anyway, so tell me :D
  12. cava83

    Mac and XP touching each other in a dirty way

    havent installed the beta only installed the 1970 upgrade but that does not have coe....... Going to put vista when i get it through the actionpack. This is going to be great so i will only need one version of the application i.e macromedia flash for windows or mac, wont need to f**k around...
  13. cava83

    Mac and XP touching each other in a dirty way

    how is it, is it sluggish? Ive got a 1gb stick and think it would eat it ? Thanks.
  14. cava83

    Want a Wii

    Where did you get them from ?
  15. cava83

    Windows Mobile 5.0 :rasp:
  16. cava83

    tv help (which one)

    you can get a nice pioneer plasma but they are 1.8k Sony W series are excellent have 2 HDMI ports instead of the one in the V series. X series are gorgeous but too expensive. Generally, they say that LCD does not match the colours of a plasma, however i dont agree with this. LCD does not...
  17. cava83

    Photoshop 7

    fireworks is soooooooo much easier, maybe does not have as much functionality built in, but u can get alot of the plug ins...................... Easy peasy. Photoshop is so hard to use.
  18. cava83

    Anyone got a Pioneer PDP-4270XD plasma?

    could be a damaged circuit board, phone them up for sure to double check just incase. Shame :)
  19. cava83

    Anyone got a Pioneer PDP-4270XD plasma?

    50xd you jammy git :) mmmmm no vga input though :S!! such nice TV's
  20. cava83

    Anyone got a Pioneer PDP-4270XD plasma?

    I have the SXE model, the older one, and it works fine, but i do not use it.
  21. cava83

    NTL Broadband

    mines 184 pretty pants. 2mb NTL are w**k though, my NTL box keeps crashing constantly. Pants
  22. cava83

    Wii stock - heads up.

    Spammy you cheeky git !!!! How the heck did you manage that! Maybe i should of turned up after 10pm last night and got the tickets, but the lady on the phone said that they were giving the tickets out this morning and would not hand any out last night. How did you get 2, its only 1 pp. I...
  23. cava83

    Wii stock - heads up.

    For f***s sake !!! Got there at 7.20am and they were all f**king sold !!!!! All tickets handed out at 5am!!!! b****cks!!!!!!!!!! :) O well.
  24. cava83

    Wii stock - heads up.

    Which london one you going to ?
  25. cava83

    Wii stock - heads up.

    not allowed to sell now, they can only sell in the morning apparently
  26. cava83

    Wii stock - heads up.

    well I am buying it to do something through crimbo. Other one is going to my bros kid!
  27. cava83

    Wii stock - heads up.

    f**k just phoned the woking one, she doesnt know how many they will be having and anything really. 8am they open. I need to get up early. Will be fun. Damn !!! 1 per person, i was hoping to buy more than one!! Do you recon the person at til will accept a bribe.??
  28. cava83

    Wii stock - heads up.

  29. cava83

    Wii stock - heads up.

    thanks for that !!!! Wish i could wake up early
  30. cava83

    Find me a decent cheap widescreen monitor!

    Where r u based? how old is it, have u any pics?