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Search results

  1. cava83

    Remote Desktop Assistance...?

    You will need remote assistance instead of RDP if you want to wish to view what the user is doing. If you wish to take control, then you ask the user if they will authorise you. So here are the events. 1)check computer name 2)check user logged in 3)requent remote assistance of user x...
  2. cava83

    Remote Desktop Assistance...?

    or configure the software + firewall to support the ports....
  3. cava83

    Remote Desktop Assistance...?

    Hope it makes sense. I also use Ulta VNC but to be honest, i dont know why on some machines we use VNC and on others RDP. I have only been here 6 months and have learned a little bit :)
  4. cava83

    Remote Desktop Assistance...?

    Remote desktop and remote assistance are two completely different things. RDC only one user per session, so if your logged into the server, and someone else logs in you will get kicked off. Remote assistancethis is used on XP pro machines only (for normal users.) Therefore at work, someone...
  5. cava83

    Are you a *****? (pic)

    RAT II (Range rover vogue) BOY5 ( Range rover vogue) A2 ( a old civic with old people that i drive passed every day
  6. cava83

    bluetooth or infared?

    Bluetooth is slower than infa red, however does not require direct visual. So you could have your bluetooth adapter on the back of your comp, and you could be in the next room and still sending messages ok. Infared needs to have a direct sight, same as a remote control for your TV. Dabs or...
  7. cava83

    what refresh rate should a 17 in tft be?

    you should always try to have the highest possible refresh rate. 60 - 70 is the most on the majority of tft's. For games is even more important as everything happens to quickly
  8. cava83

    ***Show us your private plates need help****

    how long can i have the irish plate on the uk car for? are they more expensive? I so want GAB. ! I found a nice one I like, but cannot put it on my car as it would make it seem newer.. ...... XIII GAB
  9. cava83

    ***Show us your private plates need help****

    What prefix did you use in order to get MAZ? I am trying to get GAB but cannot find it. :s
  10. cava83

    Toshiba v Samsung 32inch LCD

    Tosh give a better pic as their display engine is of better quality, colours are more vibrant and also they have better blacks, a known issue with LCD's. The best thing you can do is buy what hi fi magazine for £3.99 and read all the reviews.
  11. cava83

    Toshiba v Samsung 32inch LCD

    toshiba without a doubt
  12. cava83

    I want a Blackberry but i wont use it for emails ?

    T3RRY why do you want one, you can only check mails and thats it, you cannot amend word document attachments or anything like that, it would be better to get the HP phone, or o2 mobile phone such as the mini s or the XDA exec :)
  13. cava83

    Discount Scheme!!

    Yap, so anything you want, you can get discount on, simply call or do the online ordering, and use "gabi" as the reference, will change it to something else. Dont forget 10% delivery service is wicked, he is a great guy, 100% professional. I am sure if you do group buys, he would be able to...
  14. cava83

    Best Tarrif and phone deal ATM

    Cant find this anywhere, and the phone is not free its £200 !!!! ?????
  15. cava83

    My set up

    Curtains are nice :clown:
  16. cava83

    Midlands IT Vacancy - 1st/2nd Line Support

    im on 20k for my first job :S
  17. cava83

    Discount Scheme!!

    I have managed to acquire any of you guys 10% of cleaning products from This is to anyone in the clio forum, please use reference gabi in order to get the discount. Hope it helps some of you guys !!! :) Gabi.
  18. cava83

    Midlands IT Vacancy - 1st/2nd Line Support

    Very, very nice. 30k before uni, gone down to 18k whilst studying, are you doing a part time or full time course and is it a BSC? I am wanting to go back to uni, but would need a good job whilst I was there. Think you are doing spot on 18k + course, that is excellent. I am hopefully...
  19. cava83

    TomTom ONE GB Satellite Navigation System

    got a 910 and its wicked, however, i ended up buying it and its great, for the 4 times i used it. All packaged in the box now though. TomTom one has been on a diet, and the Go series is more like the homer version !!
  20. cava83

    Best shampoo ever!!!

    Fancy doing a guide from head to toe, into cleaning your car and what products to apply when? That would be real good for idiots like me !!
  21. cava83

    How to connect plasma to pc with no pc output?

    How have you guys done this. My Plasma has to PC output, only components and HDMI. DVI to HDMI has issues on the mac (which is what i am using now) so how have you guys done this?
  22. cava83

    computers for sale from work

    definately worthwile. License alone you could sell for £100, so easily worth £300 mate. Bargain !! Get many !!
  23. cava83

    Your order has been dispatched :)

  24. cava83

    New website - Comments please.

    Nice. Nice. I like seeing nice websites. Maybe you should create a tutorial on how you made it, i will post it on some sites. :)
  25. cava83

    TomTom Shite Customer Service

    Re: TomTom s**te Customer Service I think you are wrong. They have a customer service number, you call them up, tell them the problem, they pick it up the next day for repair. Any company will only repair after 28 days or replace if it cannot be fixed. Their service is pretty good to be...
  26. cava83

    Wheres best to go for a new PC

    I think you have a pretty phat computer to do what you need. Do you really need a new one? Mesh do ok ones. Overclockers, good for looking at stuff, way too expensive. ebuyer, dabs for parts. Buy a mag, they will show you the best combinations.
  27. cava83

    New website - Comments please.

    yer the great thing of a CMS is that you can give the client a logon and restricting them to allow them with certain things. So they could add new pages, new text, but cannot change the menu and so on. Take a look at I find photoshop hard to use, fireworks is much easier, but...
  28. cava83

    New website - Comments please.

    I really like it. I think it is really nice. Well done. Are you using a cms? Did you do that all your self or used a template and amended it to your needs. Really like the logo, and how it is reflective, you have taken an original design, changed it, and made it look really...
  29. cava83

    1080p HD LCD TV

    I have a pioneer plasma TV and it is truly superb. Really good. Just use the ps2 as the DVD player as it is amazing !!!! Imagine with a good DVD player.
  30. cava83

    V6 £4000!

    Its a mistake, "1" missing !!!!