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NTL Broadband

Has anyone had any problems with theirs? Mines been running stupidly slow lately, its supposed to be 2meg broadband but when they came to have a look this week the modem speed was 176kb/s!!!!! How pathetic is that?! lol
Any suggestions at all please or comments? :D


I'm on ntl 4 meg, connections been maxed out at 300kb+ with torrents for past few days without a problem.
2mb should rerturn a theory speed of 250K/s so c.170 isn't too bad is it?

I normally get around 1200K/s on usenet, but that's using a 10mb pipe :approve:
  Clio 172mk2
wat ntl and blueyonder etc might not have told u is there bringing in throttle control in certain areas , this should only affect ppl they claim abuse there service e.g download alot , basicaly on set days n times they`ll limit yer service .
  172 Cup
Has anyone had any problems with theirs? Mines been running stupidly slow lately, its supposed to be 2meg broadband but when they came to have a look this week the modem speed was 176kb/s!!!!! How pathetic is that?! lol
Any suggestions at all please or comments? :D

176kB/s is well within their tolerances for a 2mbps connection. It's obviously not as high as you would like but there's not really anything wrong.
  Clio 172mk2
im on 10mb , but not many servers allow full bandwidth , usually major sites 600-800k sec, news servers owt from 600-1200 depending on which one
  172 cup TT
i get about 450k on 4meg... Ntl have realy sorted their act out in recent years... they used to be awful but ive never really had a problem.. been with them for probably 7 years now
mines 184 pretty pants. 2mb

NTL are w**k though, my NTL box keeps crashing constantly.

I remember those days when I was still living with the folks. Used to hate the telebox constantly crashing. What annoyed me even more was that you had to turn it off at the mains!
The thing that bothers me the most is that it was much quicker a couple of days ago, and now it seems to have just stopped all of a sudden, the engineer doesnt seem to know why either, it just happened over night
