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  1. K

    B** AEK - Lansdown, Nr Bath

    thats my m8 alan, dnt think hes a member on here, he lives up lansdown way.
  2. K

    exhaust on a 51 plate clio

    so it can be done then id rather not cut up the car as im not planning on having it much longer! do you hav to be careful with it sitting below the bumper, i tend to fly over speed bumps and stuff so am i likely to loose the exhaust if i do that??!!
  3. K

    exhaust on a 51 plate clio

    i hope i dont sound stupid now! i want to change the standard exhaust on my 51 plate clio 1.2 16v for something a bit bigger and louder but wen i looked i realised the bumper is in front of the exhaust pipe. is there any way to fit a new one without cutting the bumper? ne help is appreciated!!!!
  4. K

    removing a sun strip

    unfortunately my wiper blades touch it so its gotta go. iv tried everything its one sticky fucker!!
  5. K

    knackered clio!

    what engine size was that?
  6. K

    knackered clio!

    yeah thats what im worried about, i spend enough time in the petrol station now with a 1.2 so if i get a 182 i might as well move in! sumthing has to be done though this car is driving me nuts now! i would b lookin at gettin as new a car as i can wen did the 182's come out?
  7. K

    knackered clio!

    im starting to think its the 51 plates you no i spoke to someone at the weekend who has a 51 plate, he's experienced almost exactly the same problems as i have, mite have to trade it in for something newer i reacon!
  8. K

    removing a sun strip

    does neone no the best way to remove a sun strip? my car is going in for its MOT tomorow so i need to take it off.
  9. K

    knackered clio!

    i do try and drive it carefully, i dont sit on the clutch coz i cant afford a new one i need it to last! i admit that i hav been known to rag the engine occasionally but not vey often as its only a crappy 1.2 i aint gonna beat anyone neway so whats the point!!
  10. K

    knackered clio!

    looks like iv picked one with lots of problems then!! my m8 has an 02 plate and hers is fine guess its jus bad luck mines knackered!!
  11. K

    knackered clio!

    well i bought mine on 35000 and stuff started going wrong straight away. can i just ask how the hell is your 51 plate only on 18000 and my 51 plate is on 51000, do you ever drive it?!?!
  12. K

    knackered clio!

    yeah iv just learned to live with it!! i hav noticed that everything rattles though, all the windows and the door panels its not very well put together!
  13. K

    knackered clio!

    do they not, thatd b good iv had so much trouble with my sun roof, its leaked god knows how many times and it rattles like nethin, it drives me crazy!!
  14. K

    Clio Mk3 wins Car of the Year

    but the new clio is so ugly! why would you buy one?
  15. K

    knackered clio!

    mayb iv jus had bad luck with this one then. the only thing that worries me about gettin a 182 is stuff is much more expensiv to replace than on my little 1.2 so if things go wrong im screwed!!
  16. K

    knackered clio!

    im begining to think that clios are all jus crap!! all my electrics, the lights, the windows, the mirrors they all randomly stop working for no reason its great my windows get stuck down all the time! iv also had a oil leak that was supposedly fixed but im still using oil like theres no tomorow...
  17. K

    knackered clio!

    i hav been thinkin that to be honest, but i wount get anything for it if i sell it!
  18. K

    knackered clio!

    not sure if this is the rite place to post this so sry if its wrong! i drive a 51 plate renault clio that seems to be rapidly fallin apart, its on 50 000 miles (yeah i no thats high for a 51 plate!!) and so far iv got a clutch on the way out, a knackered starter motor and iv had to practicly...
  19. K

    cup or 172?

    i think to be honest a cup would b wasted on me i wouldnt really appreciate it! plus me and a car with no ABS probly shouldntr evr b put together, and i do like my comforts in a car. plus i can get a 172 in black which is the colour i really want.
  20. K

    cup or 172?

    iv jus got back from lookin at a 172 cup. i like it but i am unsure on a few things so i was hopin someone could help me! is there any difference in the engine peformance between the cup and the standard 172, also is there any difference in insurance? i cant decide which to get!!
  21. K

    Sunstrips on Clios

    thats tru they do look best on black cars, il try and get sum pics of mine up.
  22. K

    Sunstrips on Clios

    yeah i have that trouble too look a rite t**t wen you hav to revers back to see the lights!!!
  23. K

    Look at this monstrosity I've just seen..

    Nooooooo! why would you do that to a clio??
  24. K

    clio cup

    where from??!!!! im 20 and iv got 1 yrs no claims. i live in a very high risk area which screws me over majorly!! i also made a claim 1 month ago wen my car was nearly written off.
  25. K

    clio cup

    yeah but i cant actually get an insurance quote on a 182!! iv only managed to find 2 places that would insure me on a 172 and they are so expensiv!! gta b done tho i cant take the 1.2 any longer!!!
  26. K

    Sunstrips on Clios

    i think on sum cars they can look really bad but on clios they look ok as long as they arent over the top, mines black wiv clio written in silver so it matches my car and wheels, how co ordinated am i?!
  27. K

    clio cup

    but still not black? that sucks now i gta decide whether i hav a different colour car or not have a cup, decisions decisions!!! and thanks!!
  28. K

    Sunstrips on Clios

    i think they are mint! iv got one on mine, makes it really easy to find it in a car park!!
  29. K

    clio cup

    im probably asking a really stupid question now but does the cup only come in certain colours? i want a black one but i havnt been able to find one!!