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  1. R

    New clutch kit fitted, idle knocking

    I’ve done a new video today I would say that there is still chatter noise but definitely doesn’t sound unpleasant/alarming. I’m not sure if the noise is normal mechanical noise now, when pressing to clutch in and out. You can’t hear it inside the car only with the bonnet up. Tightening the bolt...
  2. R

    New clutch kit fitted, idle knocking

    If this bolt was missed then possibly something else could have been missed also respectfully. I will update in a few days
  3. R

    New clutch kit fitted, idle knocking

    Apologies for a late reply and thank you. Since my post I have driven many miles and not had a problem. The noise is intermittent, sometimes loud sometimes not at all. I took it back to the garage and they reckon it is gearbox related, however driving the car suggests there is nothing with the...
  4. R

    New clutch kit fitted, idle knocking

    Is there a way to inspect the guide tube or release bearing from going in through the clutch fork area? Remove the boot and use a probe/ screwdriver down there to see if there is any play in the guide tube or release bearing? I won’t do it as I don’t know what im doing but is that something that...
  5. R

    New clutch kit fitted, idle knocking

    Regarding trouble shooting.. I’ve noticed that car engine running, foot off the clutch, if I move the gearstick as if putting it into any gear (little bit of force), with the gearstick say held over at 5th, 1st etc the clatter noise will either stop or reduce or become louder. So I haven’t...
  6. R

    New clutch kit fitted, idle knocking

    Hi hoping someone explain what this part circled in red is and where about it fits in with the clutch kit I’m wondering if this part is missing or incorrectly fitted, would it cause the clatter noise? Still trouble shooting :-/ lol
  7. R

    New clutch kit fitted, idle knocking

    The garage in question only checked from underneath and not from the clutch fork bell housing area
  8. R

    New clutch kit fitted, idle knocking

    Not that mate the external one the half moon with the o rings to the underside of the box It was very stiff to start with but much better now
  9. R

    New clutch kit fitted, idle knocking

    If the input shaft was bad then is it wrong to assume that the person fitting the clutch would pick this problem up? It would be able to get overlooked would it?
  10. R

    New clutch kit fitted, idle knocking

    The clutch I had replaced, the release bear would make a noise when the clutch pedal was pressed down. This problem now is the other way round. A completely different noise to the knocking is was more screechy
  11. R

    New clutch kit fitted, idle knocking

    Thank you for your help again everyone. For a bit of context, about 1.5 years ago my gearbox developed a whine in 5th gear only due to low oil, I topped up the oil and the whine remained but settled now. I have never had and crunches in any gears or especially tapping at idle. I decided to get...
  12. R

    New clutch kit fitted, idle knocking

    Louis I will answer that question at the right time 👍
  13. R

    New clutch kit fitted, idle knocking

    Thank you again guys I’m at work now but will respond better later
  14. R

    New clutch kit fitted, idle knocking

    It was a brand new kit from RPD bought 1 month ago and fitted 3 weeks ago. Could the fault lay within the new kit or the fitment of said parts. If I can prove it’s either the clutch kit at fault or a fitting error then I can get it sorted for free. If I get it wrong and it’s the gearbox then...
  15. R

    New clutch kit fitted, idle knocking

    Thank you for your reply I appreciate that. I do feel a bit fobbed off from the garage, initially they said about having it in and stripping it down, as I said they looked underneath and checked some bolts, which they said is fine?? They believe the problem is in the gearbox but I don’t believe...
  16. R

    New clutch kit fitted, idle knocking

    Hi I have recently (3 weeks) had a new genuine clutch kit fitted and now I have this horrible knocking sound, I noticed the tapping at first only ever at idle not in gear. The noise which completely goes away when you press the clutch pedal down, and comes back when you release the pedal. The...
  17. R

    koni str-t shocks

    I had been looking for yellows and found Larkspeed to be the cheapest for the 182, Ive not changed my shocks in the end. im sure i read somewhere that the Koni str dampers are apparently like the yellows on the softest settings, whatever thats like haha
  18. R

    Does anyone know the colour code for standard 182 silver wheels ?

    I remember seeing it on somewhere!!
  19. R

    182 Cup Suspension VS Aftermarket

    ^^the "Cup" package is much better, you get a better suspension pack which includes the uprated springs which also lowers in about 10mm, You also get a wider track of wheel. Can anyone confirm that the track width on either cup or non cupped 182 are exactly the same? I think there the same???
  20. R

    induction thoughts

    Thats interesting as lots of members mention v6 airbox!! With the gen2 kit as i mentioned before get the cold air feed right and it is great, although no conparisons done with an rs tuner like you did.
  21. R

    induction thoughts

    Ive had the kit on for a few years now, sound wise is hard to describe really... It kind of gargles on tick over and has a nice roar when you floor it!!! have you changed your exhaust at all? I have a Magnex system on mine and when driving at normal driving speed say in 2nd or 3rd gear, when you...
  22. R

    induction thoughts

    I got a Gen2 on my 182! I would ditch the standard air feed that comes with it though and buy a couple of better ones (not foil). Decent air feeds to this kit makes a big difference, in my experience.
  23. R

    Creaking when initially braking/accelerating???!!!!

    Sounds like it could be your anti roll bar bushes. Mine started creaking around the 40k mark when pulling away and braking as you describe
  24. R

    Best place and price for koni shocks and springs

    Not many places list them for the 182 but the cheapest i see so far was larkspeed. Your 182 needs to be a 182 without cup suspension pack as they dont make them for the cup pack afaik. Rob.
  25. R

    Missfire 2004 182

    I needed new plugs and leads on my 182 at 26k as it developed a misfire, it was driving all poppy like you describe
  26. R

    Oil Leak (Pics Inside)

    Thats the problem there really! As much as I hate it leeking £350 is alot of money and ive checked the level and always mention it at a service and everytime the level is fine. As been said alot already, they pretty much all do it anyway and so long as the level is ok it aint worth touching...
  27. R

    Oil Leak (Pics Inside)

    How much did this cost you? Mine also leakes.. Rob.
  28. R

    Where to get Wheels Aligned/Coilovers set up (South East)

    Yeah Mark will do setup aswell as alignment. Give him a call James he is very helpful on the phone and will tell you evrything you need to know.
  29. R

    Where to get Wheels Aligned/Coilovers set up (South East)

    Good point, altough my issue was with an exhaust fitted elsewhere which needed sorting out, they said they wouldnt touch it as it wasnt bought from them!! Bizzare really??? I would still go mark fish anyway. Rob.