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  1. L

    Do you declare your mods

    does anyone know if will charge u more for mods?
  2. L

    Cost of install
  3. L

    Cost of install

    i did a quick sketch of the boot install jus wanted to know if u thought it looked right or not? and if any of u have a web site where i can find out wat the dimensions for a bow holding 2x10" subs it would b much appreciated thanks Rich
  4. L

    Cost of install

    cheers for the ideas guys if i was to build the install my self do u know where there is a guide i could get the dimensions for the sub box? i will b puttin 2 x 10" subs in
  5. L

    Cost of install

    thanks m8 i hav already got the subs jus need to do the install now. so everythin in that boot cost ya a £1000 how much did the sub bow and floor cost ?
  6. L

    Cost of install

    i saw this pic of a boot install in another post and was just wondering how much it would cost just 4 the custom sub box to b made and installed and the raised floor? here is the pic:
  7. L

    show us your headunits!

    i got the same Head Unit as 16vClio its a great unit
  8. L


    where did u buy it? and how much mate?
  9. L

    This Sub

    sweet thanks for your help again guys i mite end up getting 2x12" but if i do get the 2x10" i will use the box i already hav :) thanks again
  10. L

    This Sub

    havent brought an amp yet wat do u recomend? and do u think it will b worth buying 2 of these subs or just 1?
  11. L

    Audiobahn Sub

    SOunds like an easy set up will 1 10" sub in the back b better than 2x 10" subs? also if i went for 2x10" subs would it b better 4 them to b boxed seprate or together?
  12. L

    This Sub

    well its 250w rms is it worth gettin??? also i hav 2 x 10" subs but they r f**ked but they r in a twin sub box is it possible to take them out and put 2 differnt 10" subs in???
  13. L

    This Sub

    Seen this sub and it looks pretty cheap for a 1000w peak so jus...
  14. L

    Alpine 9807RB - Any good

    i think i will wait till i got my door speakers and sub and amp and get it all fitted together u got any ideas on wat i should buy? if u hav msn messenger can ya add me pls so i can ask a few questions:"> cheers
  15. L

    Alpine 9807RB - Any good

    wow im pretty lucky then how much will it b to fit the cd changer under the passenger seat and install the headunit? and where can i get it done?
  16. L

    E-type Alpine subs

    ok where can i find them speakers at? and how much r they? thanks 4 ya help :)
  17. L

    Alpine 9807RB - Any good

    cos it came wiv the head unit got the 2 for £285 so thought it was a deal :)
  18. L

    E-type Alpine subs

    i am doin the same as Bayliss (gettin full Alpine set up) but if wat ya say is right wat speakers should i go 4 in the doors?
  19. L

    Alpine 9807RB - Any good

    ive just brought this alpine head unit and cd changer: has anyone got these and r they any good?
  20. L

    E-type Alpine subs

    Wat about this 15" Type r sub
  21. L


    will these 6x9s b any good cos i hav never heard of their make b4
  22. L


    just another noob question im just wondering wat kinda power speakers in the door i should go 4 i want system LOUD so would 100w speakers in the door b ok? and wat watt should i get 4 a sub i want every thing Alpine thanks 4 ur help
  23. L

    Best bad boy song

    Move b**ch - Ludacris Act a fool - Ludacris if i cant - 50 cent
  24. L


    I have got these amps sitting in my house doing nothing i had them given to me and was thinking bout useing them in my car but r they any good i hav got: Clarion - 1004HA Pioneer - GM-1200 + GM-2200 Thanks
  25. L

    Need Help

    oh they that bad then well where can i get sum eye-brows from online and how much ? cheers
  26. L

    Need Help

    Does anyone know where i can buy these Light Masks oh and hi im new here :) [Edited by LondonLad5 on 24 May 2004 at 8:02pm]