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£500 to spend on laptop...

  S2 106 GTI
The AMD processors I am undecided about! my last 2 were Intel, and everyone I have spoken to says there alot better than AMD.

Whats the Best AMD processor you can get?? it seems very good spec that one on amazon!

How much do you get knocked off a mac if your a student???
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  Toyota MR2
The AMD processors I am undecided about! my last 2 were Intel, and everyone I have spoken to says there alot better than AMD.

Whats the Best AMD processor you can get?? it seems very good spec that one on amazon!

How much do you get knocked off a mac if your a student???

intel's are better so its worth the extra if there is one for that laptop.( haven't looked) as intel processesors have a switch of temp point on the processor so they dont go above 120c were'as AMD just keep getting hotter and hotter anything upto 500c+ which means putting it on ur lap is not possible. there are other reasons but thats one of the main ones thats going to effect day to day use.

mac discount is 15% so what ever a mac is these days. say 650-700 it may bring it down to like 550 or so. you have to go instore tho as it doesn't work online i dont think. unless they have stoped it as stated above. if not find someone who works in mcdonalds think they get discount to.
  Clio 182
have a look at the asus in carphone warehouse, we got it in yesterday and its amazing!!!!! il try and find some more info mate.

intel processesors have a switch of temp point on the processor so they dont go above 120c were'as AMD just keep getting hotter and hotter anything upto 500c+ which means putting it on ur lap is not possible. there are other reasons but thats one of the main ones thats going to effect day to day use.

Haha, are you really that stupid!?:lolup:
  S2 106 GTI
Hmmm I would be willing to get a mac for £550 if you get a discount! only downside being all my mates have been to uni! anyone on here willing to give me a hand ;)


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf GTI
intel's are better so its worth the extra if there is one for that laptop.( haven't looked) as intel processesors have a switch of temp point on the processor so they dont go above 120c were'as AMD just keep getting hotter and hotter anything upto 500c+ which means putting it on ur lap is not possible. there are other reasons but thats one of the main ones thats going to effect day to day use.

Are you honestly saying that a laptop has the ability to get hotter than a f**king oven?

Jesus Christ.
