Stuff like this is pretty arbitrary. Theres so many factors that can add or remove tenths of seconds. Tyres, road surface, outside temperature, drivers reaction times, changing gears at the optimum time, etc. Auto Express were quoting possible low 6s for a 182 Cup - again, if the conditions were right!
And cliotuRS even if you shaved another 3 secs off that Golf GTi time, I wouldnt be interested. The mid-management-rep-cum-sales-bloke in his yawn inducing compulsory black GTi (if they think they have made it - TDi if they havent brown-nosed enough) complete with overly tinted windows and ridiculously large rims (not forgetting some of the worst private reg plates in the land) are just one of the worst vehicles on our roads. What happened to the awe-inspiring Mk1 GTi has long since been forgotten and has instead been replaced with a fat, ugly, over-weight, common as muck, over-priced heap of automotive sheeeeeit.
Blimey. Anyone would think that I didnt like these cars.....