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02 hike iPhone insurance excess?!

  6/468 17poo
Had a letter from 02 saying that they are going to increase their excess on the iPhone claims to £100 which i think is way to much and they will only give you a refurbished replacement, think i pay £7.50 a month for the insurance and claimed once.

Anyone else had this letter?
  Audi A3
i got this letter through the post the other day, claim they have to do it to make sure you dont pay any extra a month or something :S sounds like a money saving/making exercise for them possibly.
  330i, Alfa 147 & SP1
I told them to jog on when i got my iphone 4, the excess was silly. Shame though, they were great for my 3g and 3gs with brand new phones within 24 hours of me calling. Dont think theres any other company out there offering what they used too.

I know refurbs are just as good as new but i don't want a refurb lol


Generally it's only £180 odd quid to replace an iPhone at Apple anyway is it no?


  BMW 440i
My letter said that my next excess will be £150 and i will only receive a refurnished iPhone.

I have claimed twice though in 6 months. Broke one, then lost one. Not like me, but oh well.

I won't be renewing with 02 if that is there best offer. Our families contracts are all in my dads name, so next one will be in mine!
  6/468 17poo
yeah thats the thing ive still got a 3gs as havent seen the need to upgrade yet, its just very annoying that they should do this to existing customers just think its a ripp off!
