Listen for your clutch coming out, then factor in the paralax error caused by the camera being offset to the speedo and the fact that 60 on your speedo is most definitely more like 56-57mph in real life..... I was being generous saying 12 seconds tbh.
How the f**k you got 9.9 from that I'll never know, and how people can ever claim a avideo of a speedo to be reliable evidence.... well I'll never know that either lol.
You can hear my music being played and thats not sped up.
I actually reckon I could get to 60 in 2nd as my gear changing is poo.
But you can think what you like...I know different.
Plus cheaper in tax + insurance + petrol + parts = bargain:rasp:
Not a chance of seeing 60 in second! My 1600 when it was pretty much standard could only hit 58ish and that's bouncing on the limiter......