Brilliant little cars although when you buy it request that the airbag wiring modification is done before collection, just involves them securing the wires under the passenger seats. Stops warning light coming on.
Brilliant specification push the dealers very very hard on everything except mats, standard renault ones are cr*p. Ideally get very low finance rate get a quote off AA first then get renault to match, get free climate control if possible,
Colour coding as said earlier makes great difference although I didnt bother with 172 side strips and I dont regret it as from a distance you cant tell and close up the slight texture looks cool.
Things like automatic headlights and wipers are great, They are £400 options on many Bmws and Mercedes!!
Good luck go for it, get modding, So much you can do.
re: Alymac and performance message Im interested to take a 1.2 against a 1.4 as it is thought that it may be possible they understated the 1.2s performance to make the higher engines llok better. Will not know till I have a gps unit so I can accurately measure my speed!