There is more to all this than just running in the engine. Modern engines are assembled with closer mechanical tolerances so now require much less "running in" to bed in all the cylinder/rings and crank/cam bearings. You must also consider other components like the gearbox, differential, brakes and wheel bearings. A lot of owners on this site have suffered gearbox problems, a lot in my mind due to caning them from day one. Brakes should be treated with care and used progessively in the early stages to bed in the disks, pads and drums. I am on my 6th Clio now over the years and have never had any real problems, running them in to the book THEN progressively caning them. I would stick to the 3.5K <80mph limit for the figrst 600 odd miles then start increasing the rev limit by 1K every 100 miles until you reach the red line/limiter. After that CHANGE THE OIL AND FILTER! (normally around the 1.5K to 2K miles). From then on give it some and enjoy!!