Have come up against about 4 different VTRs over the last year or so and the same thing happens every time, 1st and 2nd not a lot in it , then top of 2nd (55-60) start to gain/make a slight distance from VTR, 3rd gear BYE! and yes,suprisingly it is has been that dramatic every time, I suppose this is where the bit of extra 20/12bhp does its bit. Dont know really, because the VTR is a heck of a lot lighter.
(Maybe they were all Westcoasts (1.4)!!, hope not, imagine the shame

Oh and VTSs, definately quicker cars no doubt about it, but not by as much as I thought they would be, only come up against one though so Im reserving judgement for now because theres no telling whether he was really going for it like I was (probably thought I was a 1.2 and didnt bother!) Must say though I have been very impressed with what I have seen of Craggys VTS on the videos, shocked in fact!