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1.9 dti starting problem

  clio 1.9 dti 5 door
hi,got a 01 dti 1.9.
It seems to cramk over a while before it starts hot and cold glow plugs working as they should,been on a fault reader and ok.
Its worse when warm rather than hot or cold.


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
Eww, a naughty diesel! Did you resistence check each glow plug and confirm the heater relay is functioning correctly?Check the leak-off pipes and get it back on diags and live data to see what the fuel pressure is. Mick
  clio 1.9 dti 5 door
cheers guys, Been back to garage where i bought it from should be okay now,As i`m collecting it this aft fri 23/09
