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11th Annual Surrey Rolling Road Day (Photos and Results)


South Central- West Berks
ClioSport Area Rep
Thanks to everyone who attended the meet yesterday.

Numbers were down on last year maybe due to the weather putting a few people off but I thought it made for a more relaxed event.

Here are the results and photos, apart from one or two results I think everyone was happy with the power they made.

1. My Megane R26 made 329.9bhp and 360lbft. This was identical to what it made last time at RS Tuning.


2. My Storm Grey 172 made 168.8bhp and 150lbft. I was surprised by the result as it's unmapped with a cat, Ktec stealth and aircon delete.


3. @Fletcher 172 made 174.5bhp and 155lbft. Great result


4. @HenryG Clio 182 Cup made 172.1bhp and 145lbft. I was moving my car when you ran so didn't get a photo of your results.

5. @MarkCup Fiesta ST with 230 Montune made 224.1bhp and 248lbft. Less peak power than Mark was expecting but you can see it's made massive gains up to 5.6k compared to the 215 package.


6. @SirDave R53 Mini Cooper S made 214.8bhp and 182lbft. Power was slightly down as Dave suspected it needs a new supercharge pulley.


7. @HenryG brother's Megane R26 made 144.3bhp. Charlie said fuelling was spot on but it wasn't making any boost probably due to a broken actuator.


8. @Alistair14 Clio 182 made 165bhp. It was 10bhp down on last year which Charlie suspected was due to the cat and a misfire.


9. @Nick172Cup E36 M3 made 294.5bhp and 258lbft. Again power was slightly down on a previous run due to needing a service and valve clearances checking.


10. @LW93 Clio 182 made 172.5bhp and 156lbft


11. @just-that-ek cousin Tom's Megane 250 made 275.2bhp and 263lbft


12. @jaswalker24 Megane 265 Cup S made 305bhp and 329lbft. I didn't manage to get a photo of the power graph.

13. @RobBrodie Clio 172 Cup made 172bhp and 148lbft.


Thanks @tom172cup for driving the 172 so I could dyno both cars :grinning:


Please post up your own photos and graphs :smile:
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ClioSport Club Member
Looks like it was a good little gathering.

Wanted to come along but it just fell at the wrong time for me with spare cash after xmas and the track car being off the road for winter.


South Central- West Berks
ClioSport Area Rep
Looks like it was a good little gathering.

Wanted to come along but it just fell at the wrong time for me with spare cash after xmas and the track car being off the road for winter.

I did say yesterday that maybe I arranged it too early this year. Last year it was early in March and we had twice the number of cars.
  Clio 182 cup
He worked out its running 0.5 boost where i think it should have 1.1? It doesn't feel slow its no slower than my 182 or his 172 before which makes it all the more weard.


ClioSport Club Member
Wow. Good effort with the results, videos and pictures Tim!

Was a good day yesterday, weather was good for a February session, lots of friendly faces, lots of petrol related banter.

Mine's being serviced on Tuesday...I'm going back to Charlie ASAP after for another run...I know it has 230PS in it!


South Central- West Berks
ClioSport Area Rep
Wow. Good effort with the results, videos and pictures Tim!

Was a good day yesterday, weather was good for a February session, lots of friendly faces, lots of petrol related banter.

Mine's being serviced on Tuesday...I'm going back to Charlie ASAP after for another run...I know it has 230PS in it!

Thanks Mark, hope you crack the 230 mark.

Nice write up there Timmy

Cheers Chris!
  172 Turbo
Was the wrong weekend for me, as I was picking mine up from EFI yesterday. Have a before mods graph from SRR so want another after one


South Central-South Coast
ClioSport Area Rep
Wow. Good effort with the results, videos and pictures Tim!

Was a good day yesterday, weather was good for a February session, lots of friendly faces, lots of petrol related banter.

Mine's being serviced on Tuesday...I'm going back to Charlie ASAP after for another run...I know it has 230PS in it!

Is 230ps not too far off 224bhp anyway ?


South Central- West Berks
ClioSport Area Rep
He worked out its running 0.5 boost where i think it should have 1.1? It doesn't feel slow its no slower than my 182 or his 172 before which makes it all the more weard.

It should pull away from a 182 fairly easily. I don't think it's anything major though, just a worn actuator as they are rubber inside and bound to wear out after 10 years.


ClioSport Club Member
Should of wacked the tire pressures up Mark !

Aye. 40psi and some 102RON fuel it is then :p

I remembered today when poking about in my shed that I left part of the intake setup off when reassembling everything after fitting the last of the MR230's only a 10mm wide rubber gasket, but it seals the join between the front grille airfeed and the feed into the top of the airbox. I left it off as I wanted to stick a microphone in there to capture intake and recirc valve noise and it leaves a gap just wide enough to squeeze one in.

Would/could that have knocked a few bhp off? I think there'll have been a fair bit of turbulence as it's right behind the front grille at the leading edge of the bonnet 2ft away from Charlie's fan.

Hmmmm. Regardless, the gasket is going back on before I take it back to SRR.


South Central- West Berks
ClioSport Area Rep
I doubt that would have an effect as the airbox probably has more than enough air fed to it.

Edit: unless you think that's letting hotter air in?


ClioSport Club Member
I'm gutted I had to bail at the last minute, looks like you all had a cracking day and another inferno inferno in the area :) I am going to book in soon for a session so will let you know the results :smile:
  LY R26 #288
Some good results! Shame I missed this one and last years. Hopefully make it to the next one. Would like to see what my Megane is making.

Would be good to catch up with Mark and Tim at some point.

Tim your r26 must be an animal.


South East - Herts/London
ClioSport Area Rep
Had some rubbish issues with mine .. hopeing to get it sorted before brands in march, got the decat just need to fit it and get a new coil pack .. may get it re-dyno'd to make sure its okay!


South Central- West Berks
ClioSport Area Rep
I might organise another one for later in the year if there's enough interest.

Some good results! Shame I missed this one and last years. Hopefully make it to the next one. Would like to see what my Megane is making.

Would be good to catch up with Mark and Tim at some point.

Tim your r26 must be an animal.

It's seriously quick now but still great to use as a daily :cool:
I'd be tempted to come down and see what the M3 puts out, so will keep an eye out if you do arrange one later in the year.
