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130mph from a standard 1.2 16v

  Audi TT 3.2 V6

ull have to try and desifier the pic of the speed close to 130mph as its VERY fuzzy but u can make it out if u look :) the speed reeds about 128 although for a second i did get 130 before bouncing of the limiter hehe ;)


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  C63 AMG, F430 & 172
yer down a big hill lol, would be about 110 m8 spedo must be off, gud effort though lol
  C63 AMG, F430 & 172
i got my old 1.2 16v, to 125 on the clock that was tunned but stil was only bout 110
  C63 AMG, F430 & 172
Martin_89 said:
seen a pic of a 1.6 16V doing 130 but never a 1.2

mine is pretty fast for a 1.2...... still had a fair few revs in it too

lol hold ur trip n turn the key lol
  Audi TT 3.2 V6
im still prouda me little clio lol

my counter goes to 6.5 and to limited about 6150

was actually on a flat lol
  Polo + Micra
lol this was on a hill had slowed down from about 135 indicated

more like 125ish


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Djw John

Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
When you hit the limiter its apparently 127mph. I've had an indicated 125 on a slight downhill a couple of years ago and there were not many revs left! 1.4 8v but still just 75bhp anyway! Never been anywhere near since.
  Audi TT 3.2 V6
lol suprised @ u all

i was actually dickin around in the snow...worked me way thru the gears on ice (barely movin) and thats the speed i come out with lmao

cant belive no1 thought of that hehe

know what you mean about the speedos on 1.2s though...when im doin bang on 30 (scamera van area)....people seem 2 be sittin up my arse yet dont wana go faster incase i get shafted by the van

could do with getin it calibrated really
reality is, i had an INDICATED 127mph when on the limiter in my old 1.2 16v, it was modified, and was a very strong engine as standard, but the truth is, my mate in a zetec-s passed me slowly and his speedo was reading 115mph, i guestimate that the true speed on the limiter is around 108mph

limiter on mine was 6200rpm
  1996 Valver
I had my speedo reading 140 on my valver b4, I expect this was 125mph ish?
Is that about right?


  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
How the fcuk can a 1.2 be a quick as a 172...I fail to belive it! I had about 116 out of my 1.2 and it was 18.027 1/4mile which was quicker than freds iirc... My 172 will only creep above 130mph....

You must have been wheelspinnin in the snow or something!
  Audi TT 3.2 V6
yeah mines quite a strong engine, i know it could never get anywere near 130mph in all honesty though. its nice when u see a 1.2's needle point well into triple figures though, and cant believe only 1 person (even though i already said how i achieved 130) has suggested i was wheelspinin in snow
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  2005 Impreza WRX STI
ben_p said:
lol ive hot the limiter in 5th once in am 172 showing 150, whish it was doing that lol

i tried doing that but only got too 145/146:mad: wanted 150 showing! its mad tho in other countries, if it was here (cold) i could have done it


  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
EvilJohn said:
Ali, read the f**king post!!!!!!! All of it!

OOOPPPPSSSS! "Ali makes the call of stupidity!!" Note to self - Read the f**king post before getting excited.
