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172 bumper

  1.2 Dynamique 16v
I'm going to buy a second hand 172 bumper, get it sprayed and put onto my 1.2 Dynamique (03).

Will this just fit directly onto my car or is there anything I need to know?
  Astra GSI, 172, Golf
we on about back bumper or front ?
if its back it fits straight on.

if its the front bumper then you will need..
bumper, wings, skirts ( and a back bumper to make it look right)
Google car parts finder... Put in sport details and select rear sport bumper...

you have these mass car parts finders that email all these little breakers..

Then you will be emailed, I phoned 3 breakers after waiting a year on ebay and here...

Found one for £60 delivered, In my colour, Only had a few minor scratches which i sorted myself.

  1.2 Dynamique 16v
Google car parts finder... Put in sport details and select rear sport bumper...

you have these mass car parts finders that email all these little breakers..

Then you will be emailed, I phoned 3 breakers after waiting a year on ebay and here...

Found one for £60 delivered, In my colour, Only had a few minor scratches which i sorted myself.


Cheers mate. I'll have a look now - £60 is a bargin!
