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172 Passenger Seat

  Renault Sport clio 1

Has anyone notice how high the passenger sometimes feels?

So on that how easy would it be to source and fit a height adjustable subframe same as the drivers side? Maybe from a european left hand drive clio so its symetrical?

Has anyone else though of this?

Djw John

Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep

Thought about it and wondered if you could just fit a driver side subframe or not. Not fussed enough to get one from a left hand drive as my passengers dont really complain!

that really annoys me too. I like my seats to had an identical set-up (possibly a bit of OCD there) but with the non height adjustable passenger seat i cant have that. It really annoys me. The LHD idea is a good one. Go to a scrappy and ask for any imports (made for europe not the made for uk ones).
