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172 Today!!!!


ClioSport Admin
  Clio Trophy #355

Just wanted to say Hi!

Ive been lurking around the forums for a few weeks waiting for my Clio to be delivered, but Im now a member and am picking up my brand new 172 this afternoon! (That was the longest 6 weeks of my life...)

Used to drive one of those Saxo VTR things, until being rear ended by a mercedes van showed me the error of my ways ;).

Anyhow, Ill post some pics in the members section as soon as poss.

Im from the Portsmouth / Southampton area anyone else down this way? Ive seen loads of Clios about but none with ClioSport stickers :mad:


  Audi TT Stronic


2 new 172 drivers .. welcome to cliosport mate... I can imagine what the wait was like heh, totally worth it though.

Moving from a saxo vtr to a 172 is probably the best move your going to make in your life ;) just remember not to bring any of the saxo drivers traits with you (eg. switch off the fog lights now)

Ye there a few people from cliosport in Edinburgh, but I have yet to see any too.

Im getting my 172 on thursday *fingers crossed* and live about 50 miles along the coast from you. This first three days of this week are going to take FOREVER!



Quote: Originally posted by NikC172 on 12 May 2003

He he, sorry...... Im a little slow today... :sick:
But not for long. Youll soon be flying behind the wheel of your shiny new Clio :D
  CTR EK9 turbo

it appears to be "wit-central" in here today!

Welcome guys......youl soon be collecting slay stories to exchange with the klan


  Audi TT Stronic

Nah its cause everyone is in work.. and the mind starts to wonder in work..

I would say about 90% of the people on here are brainless zombies just now.. waiting for 5.00pm to come.

take me for example, I set my server to defrag and moved 2 foot to the right onto my linux box to carry on on cliosport, just for something to do.. hehe..

Speaking of which I think its time to upgrade this box to redhat 9.0



5.00pm!! Part timer, Im here until 5.30pm :eek:

Ive just started the NAS doing a thorough check of its drives after a fault last week. Oh the excitement of it all.

yeah, Dunfermline, look @ who organise private races knockhill, they are a good laugh vthe last one cost me £50 for 2+1/2 hrs, its fun beating cooper ss and trying to catch pesky lotuss.


  Shiny red R32

Quote: Originally posted by _KDF on 12 May 2003

Yes.. good old crappy Edinburgh..
Edinburgh isnt crappy!! :cry: It is the best place to be - always plenty going on in Edinburgh.

Even the MTV awards are in Edinburgh in November. :cool: They dont get much bigger than that.


  Audi TT Stronic


so would you recommend vite sport then ? quite fancy giving my 172 some stick without looking out for rozzers and gatsos
