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172 What Oil ? ? ?

Most young lads on a forum will do a search, see what every other person is buying and follow a trend whether its correct wrong, needed or not needed.

Having the best in most cases is overkill when something regarded as average will be adequate for the average man in the street.

In my experience based on using a poor quality oil on my last fill and my current oil (Silkoline) there is no difference to noise, performance or anything visible etc etc

How it would effect my engine in 100,000 miles time using cheap or good oil know one will know.

My guess is the engine would pack up well before id see any visible signs of engine damage due to using poor oils.
  Twingo 133
Well if you look at the older clios they have been run on the lesser oils and are still going.
So is there really a long term benefit as with clios everything falls apart anyway.
So you would end up having to replace everything around the engine.


Theres no long term benefit in spending hundreds of pounds on mods when you lose a fortune but doesnt stop people from doing that, using the basis that most owners tend to get rid of their 172/182 within 3 yrs and only change oil every year then difference between halfords own and a slightly more expensive choice is peanuts in the grand scheme of 3 yrs ownership of a clio, horses for courses.............


  BMW M3 & Williams 3
Do a trackday on crappy oil, then one on good oil and you will see the difference on the dip stick
rich[182];2848967 said:
Theres no long term benefit in spending hundreds of pounds on mods when you lose a fortune but doesnt stop people from doing that, using the basis that most owners tend to get rid of their 172/182 within 3 yrs and only change oil every year then difference between halfords own and a slightly more expensive choice is peanuts in the grand scheme of 3 yrs ownership of a clio, horses for courses.............

If you fit mods to your car you might lose out financially in the long run but at least youve had the benefit of them through either performance or looks.

If you get rid of your car after 3 years you are not going to see any benefit of spending a extra 15 - 20 notes on some engine oil.
  ITB'd Ph1 172
if you are driving track days or very hard on the road where oil temps are getting high, IMO its better to have the best oil you can in the engine

to potentially put it into perspective...

1 tank of fuel = £50-£60 (gone in 350 miles)
1 bottle of oil = £35-40 (lasts 10,000 miles)
  Tweaked Leon Cupra R
i think my clio runs good on halfords own brand.. gets changed every couple of months tho!
