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18, 1.4 rt insurance?

  MK2 PH2 & E46 330
thinking of buying a 1.4 rt. (im just 18, been driving since feb)

only been insured on my dads ford galaxy and my mums 1.2 prima as second drivers. (well on my mums anyone with her permission can drive kinda thing).

so no claims yet.

with regards to modifications like lowering, alloys, interior changing and exhausts what company do you think is best?

my friend is on ICS i think? and he can do anything to his ford fiesta as long as he doesnt change the engine. £800 for that except its in his mums name which is all fraud and id like to start getting my own no claims
Tesco are often great value but you need to ring around loads of cmmpanies will take at least a day to get the best price.
Who is ICS? I'm with elephant. Insured the 1.4 after I had had my license a year for £800 tpft with elephant. My first year I was under my mums name as I was getting quotes of around £1800 at the cheapest and just couldn't afford that. From my experience having had your license for a year makes a huge change and my best quotes dropped by £1000 overnight. Not the best idea but you could either hold out till february before getting something, or insure it in a parents name till then?

If at all possible I would say avoid putting it in your parents name, but at the end of the day if it's the only way you can afford to insure it I know I would do it.

BTW, I'm working on getting myself another car just now so if I get one I'll let you know if the 1.4 is availiable ;).


well i'm 19 with 2 yrs no claims on my own insurance and im gettin quotes of £650 fully comp, and that'll go down on jan 1st when i get another years no claims

  MK2 PH2 & E46 330
cheers donsrno1! yeah im hoping im gona get an RT like yours.. or yours. haha. i think the red is awesome.
