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182 autochanger cables

Currently looking to buy a cd auto changer for my car (standard)...Can somebody check to see where the cable would run to get to the head unit...

Preferably mounted under the drivers seat.

Im assuming it runs under the trim and not the carpet.

182 by the way, but im sure the 172 would be the same..




I had to buy one of those for mine. From the factory they run out the HU, over the top of the dash around the airbag, then down the pillar and along the sill to the changer under the seat. The fact that it runs round the airbag was why I couldnt get the cable out of my 172 without removing the dash top.

On mine Ive run it from the HU along the underside of the dash, along the sill to the autochanger under the seat. Easy as that.

Cable costs £86 though.

Thanks for the replys

i was going to run it out the back of the cd player, and down (behind the gearstick bit) so it would come out as you said, in the drivers foot well on the left hand side...

(if that makes sence)

i take it this is the easiest way, just hope the cable is long enough..!
  172, Tiguan

The way Lee describes is by far the easiest, your looking at a half hour job, tops.



The cable is the same one they fit at the factory so it easily runs along the dash to the outside, down the pillar to the left of the glovebox, along the sill and out under the passenger seat and into the changer.

You dont need to run it behind the centre console, just out to the side and along the underside of the dash was easiest.
